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Fusebox says error while taking snapshot

Emfluence_India 10 aastat tagasi uuendaja icahill (Administrator) 10 aastat tagasi 29


Keith Hanson 13 aastat tagasi uuendaja icahill (Administrator) 10 aastat tagasi 6

How can I test my App in Android device?

Emfluence_India 10 aastat tagasi uuendatud 10 aastat tagasi 2

Is there a way to do a line break within a text object?

sovtek 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja icahill (Administrator) 11 aastat tagasi 1
Im using json as my datasource. If you look at the example below, you can see that I am trying to insert a line break between 2 values. For example: When I attempt to insert the values for "name" within my app, I'd like to have a line break between "just do it" and "The Ultimate Fantasy Experience". Is this possible? Is there any type of line break attribute I can add to a text object? Escaping with \n doesn't seem to work of course.

"name":"1:just do it\n2:The Ulimate Fantasy Experience",

Text aligning to top within text box?

sovtek 11 aastat tagasi uuendatud 11 aastat tagasi 2
This may be a simple question: If I make a text box with a height of 100px, and only put one word in it, is it possible to have the actual text align to the top of the box? It always gets vertically aligned within the text box, depending on the amount of text applied to it.

Double Column Panel not stretching to width of screen on rotate

sovtek 11 aastat tagasi uuendatud 11 aastat tagasi 3
If you view my NFL Magazine App, and open the table of contents (2nd button from left), you can see that I have a double column layout. While keeping this table of contents open, rotate the device. You'll notice that only the last item in the list changes it's formatting correctly. All other toc items look as if the orientation has not changed. If you close the TOC and open it back up, it corrects itself. Any idea why this is happening? The tocRow is set to 100% and the storyL and storyR are both set to 50%. I made the background of the tocRow blue for debugging. Seems like its the tocRow that is not changing correctly when the device rotates.

<class name="tocRow">
<panel name="tocRow-[param:rowId]" width="100%" height="170" padding-bottom="3" style="bgBlue">
<panel name="storyL" width="50%" lwidth="50%" height="170" align="left" onclick="loadStoryFromTOC" clicktarget="../../MAG" _storyStartPos="[param:posL]">
<panel name="imgContainer" width="144" height="155" xpos="5" ypos="5">
<image name="storyImg" source="[param:imgSrcL]" width="144" xpos="0" ypos="0"></image>
<text name="storyName" text="[param:nameL]" lwidth="300" width="300" height="25" alignment="left" xpos="170" ypos="23" font="HelveticaNeue-Light" size="21" color="#FFFFFF" onclickup="hideToc" onclick="page" clicktarget="../../MAG" _page="[param:posL]"></text>
<text name="storyInfo" lwidth="300" width="195" height="90" alignment="left" lypos="45" xpos="170" ypos="45" font="HelveticaNeue-Light" size="12" color="#ebebeb" text="[param:infoL]"></text>
<text name="storyAuthor" lwidth="290" width="180" height="25" alignment="left" xpos="170" ypos="135" font="HelveticaNeue" size="12" color="#7f7f7f" text="[param:authorL]"></text>
<text name="storyPos" width="25" height="25" alignment="left" align="right" ypos="135" font="HelveticaNeue" size="12" color="#7f7f7f" text="[param:posL]"></text>
<panel name="storyR" width="50%" lwidth="50%" height="170" align="right" onclick="loadStoryFromTOC" clicktarget="../../MAG" _storyStartPos="[param:posR]">
<panel name="imgContainer" width="144" height="155" xpos="5" ypos="5">
<image name="storyImg" source="[param:imgSrcR]" width="144" xpos="0" ypos="0"></image>
<text name="storyName" text="[param:nameR]" lwidth="300" width="300" height="25" alignment="left" xpos="170" ypos="23" font="HelveticaNeue-Light" size="21" color="#FFFFFF" onclickup="hideToc" onclick="page" clicktarget="../../MAG" _page="[param:posR]"></text>
<text name="storyInfo" lwidth="300" width="195" height="90" alignment="left" lypos="45" xpos="170" ypos="45" font="HelveticaNeue-Light" size="12" color="#ebebeb" text="[param:infoR]"></text>
<text name="storyAuthor" lwidth="290" width="180" height="25" alignment="left" xpos="170" ypos="135" font="HelveticaNeue" size="12" color="#7f7f7f" text="[param:authorR]"></text>
<text name="storyPos" width="25" height="25" alignment="left" align="right" ypos="135" font="HelveticaNeue" size="12" color="#7f7f7f" text="[param:posR]"></text>
<panel name="darkHighlight" width="100%" height="1" ypos="168" background="#000000"></panel>
<panel name="lightHighlight" width="100%" height="1" ypos="169" background="#282828"></panel>

<panel name="TOCPANEL" alias="TOCPANEL" width="100%" height="100%" ypos="-101%" hidden="no" background="#000000" padding-top="70" alpha=".9">
<list name="tocList" alias="TOCLIST" width="100%" height="100%" datasource="tocFeed" orientation="vertical" paginate="no" align="center">
<object datasource="tocFeed" name="tocRow" class="tocRow" rowId="[param:id]" nameL="[param:nameL]" posL="[param:posL]" authorL="[param:authorL]" infoL="[param:infoL]" imgSrcL="[param:imgSrcL]" nameR="[param:nameR]" posR="[param:posR]" authorR="[param:authorR]" infoR="[param:infoR]" imgSrcR="[param:imgSrcR]"></object>


Is there an easy way to launch all links from a web tag in Safari?

thillsman 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja icahill (Administrator) 11 aastat tagasi 6
I think I've seen this in some demo or sample app, but I'm not finding it in the documentation. Can I display one web page or HTML file in a web view, but tell it to open any link in Safari? Basically, I'm building a single-serve web page that has a flexible list of links, but I want all the links to open sites in Safari and bounce users out of the app. Is this possible?

Save to camera roll in a different size

icahill (Administrator) 11 aastat tagasi 0
Traditionally the camera tag will save an image to the camera roll at 100% of the screen, even if you resize the camera tag smaller, you are left with a skewed image.

To combat this, and save a photo taken with the camera in a different size, say a square, you simply need to change your camera type to "video" and using the capture tag to pull the paused image in the video.

Check out this example:

<panel name="background" height="100%" width="100%" background="#0000ee">
<panel name="contain" alias="CONTAIN" height="600" width="600" align="center">
<camera alias="CAMERA" name="panel" onclickup="picture" background="#FFFFFF" type="video" height="400" width="400" align="center" valign="top"></camera>
<text name="title" text="Light" font="helvetica" size="24" width="50%" height="20%" alignment="center" valign="bottom" align="left" color="#FFFFFF" background="#000000" alpha="0.5"
onclickup="light" />
<text name="title" text="Fire" font="helvetica" size="24" width="50%" height="20%" alignment="center" valign="bottom" align="right" color="#FFFFFF" background="#000000" alpha="0.5"
onclickup="picture" />
<action name="onstart" oninit="yes">
<assign property="var:torch" value="off"/>
<action name="picture">
<event type="pausePreview" target="CAMERA" wait="yes"/>
<capture toalbum="test" target="CAMERA"/>
<event type="resumePreview" target="CAMERA"/>
<action name="light">
<if lhs="[var:torch]" operator="eq" rhs="on">
<event type="torchModeOn" target="CAMERA"/>
<if lhs="[var:torch]" operator="eq" rhs="off">
<event type="torchModeOff" target="CAMERA"/>
<assign property="var:torch" value="[eval:
('[var:torch]' == 'off' ? 'on' : 'off')]" />

Android Publishing in the App Creation Studio

icahill (Administrator) 11 aastat tagasi 0
Android has arrived in the App Creation Studio. During our Android beta period you can publish one-time builds for free.

For questions on how to build for Android check out our FAQ page: http://www.rarewire.com/androidFAQ/

Saving an animated sequence of images

G_ologist 11 aastat tagasi uuendatud 11 aastat tagasi 2
Hi everyone, new to coding and new to the community.

Brief intro:
With much copy and paste, thanks to this community and the tutorials, I have the guts of an app that users can doodle on and animate (using canvas and capture tags as well as Adam Jones’ looping example https://getsatisfaction.com/rarewire/... ).

My question:
So I have a series of images created by the user and saved with the name “1-n”.png depending on the number of images that they create, which can animate w/in the app. Is there a way to save this animation as its own animated .gif or capture it as a movie file?

I don’t think it is currently supported by WIRE but if I learn enough JavaScript could I eventually use an eval tag to do it?

I do see some external tools on the internet as well as some apps that can take pictures and turn them into animated .gifs. Maybe my best bet would be to make use of these?

Any advice would be appreciated


How can I query an item in the top level of a JSON datasource?

thillsman 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja doug 10 aastat tagasi 4
Ok, so I'm diving deep into Parse for a project, and I'm using the example that John provided here: https://getsatisfaction.com/rarewire/...

I'm sending data, creating users, and doing all kinds of cool things. However, I want to see the response from Parse. I can see the raw response with [datasource:parsePost.0.content], and that's cool, but I want to see each piece broken out. For example, a Parse error response looks like this:

"code": 125,
"error": "invalid email a"

In this case, I tried to create a user with an email address of "a". Ideally, I'd just grab the "code" element, and use an < if> statement to tell the user that they need to use a real email address (if the code is "125").

Unfortunately, the response doesn't have "code" and "error" wrapped in another element, so I'm unsure how to query it.

In John's example he used query="/result" and [datasource:parsePost.0.content], but neither [datasource:parsePost.0.code] and [datasource:parsePost.1.code] work. I've also tried query="", query="/", query="//", and query="//*[local-name()]"; all work for [datasource:parsePost.0.content], but none work for either of my guesses on how to grab only the "code" element.

Hopefully that wasn't too confusing. :)

How can I add multiple text field inputs together then divide?

tate hayes 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja icahill (Administrator) 11 aastat tagasi 5
I have 4 text fields, that use a number pad keyboard. I want take the average of all of the inputs from the field, then divide by the number of inputs (there are 4). How would I do this? I'm not very familiar with the action tags on Rarewire, by the way.

Can I retrieve information from the datasource by a value other than it's order within the json file?

sovtek 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja icahill (Administrator) 11 aastat tagasi 6
Can I retrieve information from the datasource by a value other than it's order within the json file?

json node example:

"name":"About Aaron",

value="[datasource:storiesFeed.1.name]" would give me "About Aaron" if this was the first entry within the json feed.

What if it wasn't the first entry, and I wanted to grab the name by it's storyId instead of node order?

"Invite Collaborator" screen is not displaying for me

sstava 11 aastat tagasi uuendatud 11 aastat tagasi 3
I can't get the "Invite Collaborator" screen to display for my apps. It has worked for me before.

* When I go into Editor->Resources->Invite Collaborator
* It pops up the collaborator screen with the title bar "waiting" spinner going and the pop-up screen is blank
* After a few seconds the pop-up screen disappears and the webpage, that used to have my apps editor on it, goes blank.

Any thoughts?

Resetting preferences in apps on android fusebox

jenifercmartin 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja icahill (Administrator) 11 aastat tagasi 1
How can I reset preferences in fusebox for android? In fusebox for iOS, "swipe" the app in the menu to reset all preferences. This does not work for android fusebox; I have to completely uninstall/reinstall fusebox. Any tips for an easier way?

keyboards in android

jenifercmartin 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja icahill (Administrator) 11 aastat tagasi 1
I am working on tweaking an iOS app for android. There does not seem to be a native keyboard for my textfield in android. When I tap the textfield on an android device, nothing happens. Is there a special trick for this?

Get HTML content from the web tag?

sstava 11 aastat tagasi uuendatud 11 aastat tagasi 4
Can I get the HTML content from a web tag?

I am trying to manage an oauth process from a server perspective and the onnavigation (set at 'high' navsensitivity) doesn't give me enough info to determine the step of oauth I am in.

Best way to upload an photo from Camera Roll to a server?

thillsman 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja icahill (Administrator) 11 aastat tagasi 3
Ok, I've got a challenge for you. I'd like to upload photos (and possibly videos) from the Camera Roll to a server. This has a couple of components, but I'm hoping you can lead me in the right direction.

First of all, I know how to write PHP that asks for, receives, and stores a file. Simple, short instructions here: http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_file...

However, I'm not exactly sure how to do this from WIRE. I have an inkling of a sliver of an idea that it has something to do with a HTTP request (which we solved over here: https://getsatisfaction.com/rarewire/... ), but other than that, I'm clueless.

I also know that iOS (beginning with iOS 6, maybe?) allows you to upload files through web views, but I haven't tried building that out myself (I've just uploaded images to other sites). That could be a workaround.

So, any idea how to make that happen? Thanks!