Your comments

Ah, ok. I'm looking to pass read-only information to an internal SQL database, so this isn't a huge obstacle.

I could type up my SQL command to create the entire table and save it in an XML or JSON file, pass it through the WIRE, and have my internal SQL database query it (recreating the table locally). Does that sound like a terrible hack? Is there a better way to pass a remote-hosted string of text to WIRE?

Alternatively, can I tell my app to just download a remote file on command (it would be XML) and store it locally to be used as a datasource?

(Sorry for spamming your inbox, Doug!) :)
Shoot. The password is 123pass (feel free to log in to check out the backend yourself). Either way the problem persists. (It wasn't working for my *real* login info, and I just changed that info before posting.)

Updated code:
<datasource name="favoritesdb-list" source="" query="SELECT * FROM a64744 ORDER BY NAME ASC;" providertype="sql"/>
Hey guys,

I'm trying to do the same thing, but I'm have trouble getting it to connect. Here's what my code looks like:

<datasource name="favoritesdb-list" source="" query="SELECT * FROM a64744 ORDER BY NAME ASC;" providertype="sql"/>

But when I open the app, I get an alert saying "Database Error: no such table:a64744"

I know the 'a64744' table exists in the 'argyle' database at, but I'm getting this error. I've also tried additional pathing like and, but nothing seems to work. (I'm also tried with 'http' and 'https'.) I'm a SQL noob, do you have any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

More specific requests: Newsstand, Passbook, and iAd support.
Man, you did do some digging. Ok, cool. I'm most interested in the user-facing number, so it's all good. But it's a good thing you told me about the non-incrementing Ad-Hoc number, or I would definitely have been confused.

Thanks for typing up the ticket!
Actually I was checking out TestFlight and it shows the version of the build (I uploaded my ad-hoc build). I'm assuming this is the same value that displays in the App Store (but I haven't gotten there yet... maybe you can define the version upon submission). I may be way off base here.
Ah, gotcha. The web tag works for my purposes. Thanks!
Ah, that explains it. I need to fork over my $99 soon!

Thanks, Ian!
Thanks, Ian! You rock.

Also, for some reason it's actually working for me. Here's my code, in case anyone else wants to try it:

<action name="findonmap" >
<load url="maps://[var:maddress]" external="yes" />

in which [var:maddress] is equal to "123+Main+St,+Kansas+City,+MO+64111" or a similarly structured address.

This is working for me on a 4S running iOS 6.0.1. Although the URL says Google, it's opening in the native Maps app.
Hm... that doesn't seem to work either. If I put onclickup on the "touch" panel, it crashes. If I put it on the background panel (where the onhover is) it just doesn't work.

Should I invite icahill at rarewire or do you use a different email address?