Your comments

I also tried adding onclick="create" to the "touch" panel instead of onmove="create" but that crashes Fusebox hardcore. I'm getting a little stumped. Any tips?
Ok, follow-up. How can I tweak this to also run the action onclick? As it is, it only fires when you drag, but I'd like my keyboard to play notes if they're just tapped on too. I tried adding onclick="alpha" to the panel after the onhover attribute, but that doesn't seem to be doing the trick.
Dude. That is beautiful. So we're making an essentially invisible panel where our finger is, and then triggering actions when it hovers over the appropriate panel? Smart.
Cool! :)

Thanks for sharing, Ian!
I've updated my app and I'm using the numberpad, but is there a way to add a decimal point to the keyboard?

Also, I'm using the onreturnkeypressed attribute to close my keyboard, but this doesn't work on numberpad because there's no return key. Also, tapping off the numberpad doesn't hide it either. So it's essentially open until I close the app. Any suggestions?
I tried that, but it game me "NaN" as the output. Here's my code:

[eval:Math.round(135.3-(30.8*[var:age])+([var:activity]*(10*[var:weight]+934*[var:height]))+25+' calories')]