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À l'étude

Import JSON file to populate local database

doug il y a 11 ans mis à jour il y a 11 ans 8

How can I query an item in the top level of a JSON datasource?

thillsman il y a 12 ans mis à jour par doug il y a 11 ans 4

How can I create a functioning slideshow in android?

robbtt il y a 11 ans 0

Action one item from a Database.

Lcdrgreg il y a 11 ans mis à jour par icahill (Administrator) il y a 11 ans 7
We are creating an app that as one part has a "to do" list.  I want to be able to alpha on and off a line/panel "onswipe" for that item.  Possible?


Lcdrgreg il y a 11 ans mis à jour par kwallace (Android Developer) il y a 10 ans 2
Does canvas not work for android?  Getting a unrecognized tag name error.

Closing Sub-Wire (from "Call Sub-Wire Tutorial")

WriterRyan il y a 11 ans mis à jour par icahill (Administrator) il y a 11 ans 4
I've been following along fairly well with the tutorials so far, but I hit a roadblock with the tutorial for calling a sub-wire. Specifically, I can't get it to close the sub-wire. As far as I can tell, I followed the tutorial closely with the exception of putting some panels in my subwire so I could see where my button is. Can anyone please take a look at my code and help me figure out what the problem is?


Code in main.wire:
<panel name="issue1" width="45%" height="100%" xpos="10%" ypos="2%">
<image name="cover" source="pg1.png" onclickup="launch-issue" _wire="issue1.wire" _wirename="Issue1"/>
<text name="title" width="266" height="60" color="#ffffff" font="helvetica" size="18" alignment="center" text="ISSUE #1" bottomof="cover"/>
<include name="issue" alias="ISSUE" width="100%" height="100%" background="#000000" alpha="0"></include>
<action name="launch-issue">
<load file="_wire" wirename="_wirename" target="ISSUE"/>
<alpha value="1" time=".5" target="ISSUE"/>
<action name="close-issue">
<unload delay=".5"/>
<alpha value="0"/>

Code in issue1.wire:
<panel name="bg" alias="BG" width="100%" height="100%" background="#000000">
<panel name="button" alias="BUTTON" width="25%" height="25%" xpos="50%" ypos="50%" align="center" background="#ffffff" onclickup="close"></panel>
<action name="close">
<play action="close-issue" superwire="yes" target="../../"/>

Trying to create circles that will work on all devices using an eval tag. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt. wire below.

Lcdrgreg il y a 11 ans mis à jour par icahill (Administrator) il y a 11 ans 1

<panel name="rectangle" width="40%" height="15%" background="#ff0000" align="center" valign="center">
<panel name="circle" alias="CIRCLE" height="100%" width="[var:height]" background="#0000ff" align="center" tofront="yes"
cornerradius="[eval: [var:height] / 2"></panel>

<action name="setvars" oninit="yes">
<assign property="var:height" value="[object:CIRCLE.height]"/>


How do you make the "Open in" option appears when a object such as a PDF is clicked?

xXShad DragXx il y a 11 ans mis à jour par icahill (Administrator) il y a 11 ans 6
I am trying to make list of materials such as PDF's, web links, and anything else needed. However I would like to allow for these to be opened in another app. How is this done?

Can you delete a specific panel from a pager?

Luska72 il y a 11 ans mis à jour par icahill (Administrator) il y a 11 ans 2
I have a app in which the user can select certain items from a list and each item that he selects will be put into a pager. I have has some trouble with the app crashing after I delete one item from the pager. Am I doing something wrong, or is this not possible through a pager.
Thank you for your help,

How to access json datasource from a sub wire

sstava il y a 11 ans mis à jour par icahill (Administrator) il y a 11 ans 4
Project: 7358

I am interested in sharing a json datasource with a subwire. I am able to get to a standard variable that is in the main.wire from the sub.wire.

I can't figure out how to get access to a json datasource that is in the main.wire, from the sub.wire.

any thoughts?

How do live updates handle updates to a SQLite res file

jenifercmartin il y a 11 ans mis à jour par icahill (Administrator) il y a 11 ans 5
In working with an adhoc build, I have had to make many adjustments to the SQLite database I am using. When I update the database on my computer, I then go into the studio and delete database from my app's file manager. I save and snapshot. Then I upload the database again. I save and snapshot. But the changes do not reflect in either my adhoc or in fusebox. In order to see the changes in my adhoc, i have to do another adhoc build, uninstall my old one and reinstall the new one. In order to see them in fusebox, I have to uninstall/reinstall fusebox. This process is the same for both platforms.

Question #1. Is there an easier way to see that asset update? Because when I change out different types of assets, I do not have to do a new adhoc in order to see the new asset. Let's say I have a picture named tree.png and I want to replace it. If I add a new picture and rename it to tree.png, i see the new tree. But if I replace my database with a new database with the same name, i get the old database back. the new one only shows up if i go through process above.

Question #2. What does this mean in terms of live updates to an app that is currently available in the app store? If I want to add some info to the database in an app that is already in the app store, will the changes to the data reflect with just a live update or will I have submit a new ipa to apple? And even if I do submit the new ipa to apple, will the user have to uninstall the app before installing the update rather than just updating?

That's a wordy question. I hope it makes sense.

Solution recherchée

Clearing a textfield

Lcdrgreg il y a 11 ans mis à jour par icahill (Administrator) il y a 11 ans 3
I am creating a on the fly SQLite db and writing to it from a form with various textfields. When I complete the form it writes to the db, how can I clear the form. I have tried using the assign object.alias.text to reassign to value=" " but it does not clear the textfields. tried with a separate action, sync tag, cant figure it out. Considering making the form a class and creating / deleting it. what do you think?

What type of databases can be used on a local level?

Luska72 il y a 11 ans mis à jour par icahill (Administrator) il y a 11 ans 1
I was wondering what type of databases can be used on a local level. I know that XML can be used if you have it in your root folder and if you do res://(Name of database), but can I have a local JSON database? If not is there anyway to write/delete data from the xml database?
Thank you for your time,

eval statement for comparing times

jenifercmartin il y a 11 ans mis à jour par icahill (Administrator) il y a 11 ans 4
I want app users to be able to input their best time for an event and then have the app compare that time to a set standard time so that the user can see how far over or under he is.

the data is in format m:ss.00, which I formatted (as a custom format) in the excel sheet i used to build the database. When I built the SQLite database, I put a "text" data type on the columns with the times in them. How would i compute the difference between, say, 2:27.6 and 2:22.00 ? or 1:00.5 and 0:57.99?

Android Fusebox sign in problem

drosen10 il y a 11 ans mis à jour il y a 11 ans 6
I successfully installed Fusebox on my Note 2, but can't log in. I enter the un and pw that work on Rarewire, but clicking "Sign In" just gives me the spinning circle icon for a few seconds.

salesforce connection from sample file.

jchristman il y a 11 ans mis à jour par icahill (Administrator) il y a 11 ans 5
Rarewire training class. - sample salesforce script using standard sdk. Is there a walk through available on the complete setup on the rarewire side of it. Also the sample script I tried to reuse and connect to my dev org and I am getting an error about invalid datasource salesforce for tag with name list. So I am not sure I got the setup correct or if I copied something wrong. any help would be apprciated.

New at this but interested... where can I learn?

andymannoh il y a 11 ans mis à jour par icahill (Administrator) il y a 11 ans 4
what is the best way to learn how to write and understand code. I am very new at this and very interested but I don't know where to start.