Your comments

Excellent! you made my day. Thanks
That's great! You made my day with this one. Thanks.
I think the problem still exits. If I use your reply to further the example...

Lets say that the value in object:TWEET-TO-EDIT-ENTRY-_index.text is:
--This is steve's example "text".--

Then the resolved eval looks something like:

[eval:decodeURIComponent('This is steve's example "text".')]

The apostrophe in the above string (i.e. steve's) will prematurely terminate the parameter being passed to decodeURIComponent because you are using apostrophes to contain the string/parameter and their is an apostrophe in the text.

Am I understanding that correctly?
If I wanted to use a web tag to display urls, but in addition use the meta tags to show the navigation bar (back, forward, address), would I need to use a textemplate to create html that contained the meta tags as well as have an iframe in the texttemplate that would contain the web url that I wanted displayed in the web tag?

Or am I making this to hard? The goal is to allow a person to do some simple browsing in the web tag and enable them to use the browser navigation bar. I would most likely start them on and allow them to search and navigate from there.
Thanks! I will check out those items.
That was very gentle way to respond :) Thank you.

Ummm...Lets just say I looked right past that many times; guess I need to slow down and read a tad bit more.

The datepicker is what I was looking for...don't know why I didn't see it.

I gave it a quick test and it seems to be a good fit. I like being able to turn off the date and only have time.

I struggled a bit with the time only scrolling capability. It seems that the scrolling up doesn't work for me if I start below the blue center area with the swipe on either hour or minute.

Also, you can't change the AM/PM by scrolling it. You have to circle the "hour" wheel around until it switches AM/PM.

Sorry for the ridiculous starting question. Hopefully my scrolling issues listed here are as easily resolved.

I have made some additional head-way on testing my iOS app on Android.

My current state is that the rightof attribute does not seem to work.

I have a simple menu structure that emulates tabbing. Each tab is "rightof" the one to its left.

With android, it doesn't seem to recognize "rightof". When I have the second tab rightof the first, I only see the first tab.

When I remove the "rightof" attribute and add an "xpos" attribute to the second tab to shift it over, I can see the second tab as well.

I am interested in knowing if anyone else has struggled with "rightof" on android.

If you get bored, I have created a test app called TestIt2 (you should already have access to this one).

Thanks for the help the other day, Ian! To share the outcome with the community:

I had used "px" with my width and height attributes in my panels, which caused me some issues. The issue was that fusebox would terminate :)

Since "px" is not needed in those attributes, I removed it (ex: height="50") and have progressed further in getting my app to run on an Android device.

I get into the app, at this point, but nothing displays :(

I added a number of alerts and it shows that the correct code is executing to display the sign-up panel. It does not display.

I also tried making the main app panel's alpha=".7" so I could see if my sign-up panel was behind the main panel. It wasn't.

As always, any thoughts or recommendations are welcome