
Initial Android testing of an existing WIRE app...Need some direction

sstava 12 years ago updated by icahill (Administrator) 12 years ago 5
I have an existing WIRE app that I need to run on Android, as well as iOS. I am at the beginning of my efforts to test my existing app on an Android device.

I have read the Android FAQ and am not using any tags that aren't compatible for both iOS and Android. I have also moved my texttemplates into the "main" tag

I am looking for some advice on how to best start the debugging process. Regrettably, when I try to launch the app from a Samsung S4 running Fusebox 0.6 Beta I get a message that says "Unfortunately, fusebox has stopped."

Before I go through the process of commenting out code to get the app to come up in some fashion (I have about 1,750 lines to deal with) I thought I would look for some debugging advice from the community

Thanks for any direction you may have!

Are you able to get any apps to appear in the fusebox for that device? I would recommend deleting fusebox from the device and redownloading it from the store. We are still tracking some device specific bugs for certain Android devices. If you still have issues, send me an email and we can discuss OS version number and some other things.
Thanks for the help the other day, Ian! To share the outcome with the community:

I had used "px" with my width and height attributes in my panels, which caused me some issues. The issue was that fusebox would terminate :)

Since "px" is not needed in those attributes, I removed it (ex: height="50") and have progressed further in getting my app to run on an Android device.

I get into the app, at this point, but nothing displays :(

I added a number of alerts and it shows that the correct code is executing to display the sign-up panel. It does not display.

I also tried making the main app panel's alpha=".7" so I could see if my sign-up panel was behind the main panel. It wasn't.

As always, any thoughts or recommendations are welcome
It may be helpful if you added me as a collaborator to the app so I can see what is happening.
I have made some additional head-way on testing my iOS app on Android.

My current state is that the rightof attribute does not seem to work.

I have a simple menu structure that emulates tabbing. Each tab is "rightof" the one to its left.

With android, it doesn't seem to recognize "rightof". When I have the second tab rightof the first, I only see the first tab.

When I remove the "rightof" attribute and add an "xpos" attribute to the second tab to shift it over, I can see the second tab as well.

I am interested in knowing if anyone else has struggled with "rightof" on android.

If you get bored, I have created a test app called TestIt2 (you should already have access to this one).

It looks like rightof is not working within a class. When I move the two panels out of the class and use them on their own it works.

I will log a ticket for that.