Uw opmerkingen

Please have a look, I'll grant you access here in just a moment.
Ok, I hope I am close. I've moved the if statements up to the datasource and defined BLOGTITLE within the class. I've tried a couple of things from there.

The first approach involved leaving the text value for BLOGTITLE at "" and trying to assign that value directly from the if statements. It didn't work and seems intuitively wrong to me because it's really within the list that wire is pulling is creating the unique values for each blog post.

The second approach means setting BLOGTITLE text="[param:blog-title]" and then trying to assign the value to the blog-title within the list. This approach is listed below. My hope is that I'm close with this but that I'm just getting the pathing wrong when I'm trying to assign the values within the if statements. What I'm showing below is obviously not right. I tried other things, including giving an alias to the list and then trying to path down to blog-title.

<datasource name="field" source="http://theamericanscholar.org/feed/dailyscholar" query="//item" providertype="xml" parsenamespaces="yes" />
<if lhs="[datasource:field.*[local-name()='creator']]" operator="e" value="Jessica Love">
<assign property="object:LINKBOX.blogtitle" value="PSYCHO BABBLE"/>

Then I've got the text setup inside of the class

<class name="link-box">
<panel name="[param:name]" width="250" height="123" onclick="load-article" _dataSourceIndex="[param:dataSourceIndex]" _author="[param:author]">
<text name="blog-title" alias="BLOGTITLE" style="blog-title" width="100%" height="30" align="left" leftinset="10" ypos="5" text="[param:blog-title]"></text>

Then I've got the actual list with the object

<list name="list" datasource="field" width="100%" height="123" lheight="0%" align="center" valign="top" orientation="horizontal" paginate="no">
<object class="link-box" dataSourceIndex="[param:dataSourceIndex]" title="[param:title]" author="[param:*[local-name()='creator']]" blog-title="" lhs="[param:dataSourceIndex]" operator="lte" rhs="10"/></list>
Ok, I just tried to replace the < symbols with hyphens, hopefully it won't look like code now. Below is the object variable version I tried.

-object class="link-box" alias="LINKBOX" dataSourceIndex="[param:dataSourceIndex]" title="[param:title]" author="[param:*[local-name()='creator']]" blog-title="" lhs="[param:dataSourceIndex]" operator="lte" rhs="10"/>

-action name="two" datasource="field" datasourceevent="querycomplete">
-if lhs="_author" operator="e" value="William Deresiewicz">
-assign property="object:LINKBOX.blog-title" value="ALL POINTS"/>
-if lhs="_author" operator="e" value="Jessica Love">
-assign property="object:LINKBOX.blog-title" value="PYSCHO BABBLE"/>

The wire variable basically created a new variable called var:title and set it equal to _author then the if statement looked at [var:title] to see if it matched the string.
Thanks but I'm more curious if I can change the display name without changing the name that displays in the itunes store. Does that make sense?
Sure the examples of the node structure didn't come out right in the question but the feed link is here-

Ok, I have it working now. Something else was wrong but I'm not sure what it was:( Thanks.
I guess I'm not sure what you mean. I'm changing the list attribute within my main panel -->

Thanks for that Ian,

Another thing, I'm having trouble with orienting my list horizontally. It is just disappearing as soon as I change it from vertical. Is there any reason you can think why this might be happening?
I'm having trouble getting the author field to populate in the list. I noticed that if you look at the feed page that we are using as a datasource, the author isn't actually listed. Does that mean it's not part of the feed?

I tried to call the post date and time instead by replacing "author" with "itemposttime" within the wire and that's not working either (itemposttime is the name of the div tag that my browser uses in reference to the date and time associated with the post.)

Is there something I'm missing?