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I had sent you an email on Oct. 7th with an example of an In-app WIRE. Did you not receive it?
11 year бұрын
John created this js function that you can use to achieve this.
Add this to your functions.html file.
function subtractTime(time,time2)
time = time.replace("\.",":");
time2 = time2.replace("\.",":");
var t1 = time.split(":");
var t2 = time2.split(":");
var t1ms = parseInt(t1[0] * 60000) + parseInt(t1[1] * 1000)
+ parseInt(t1[2]);
var t2ms = parseInt(t2[0] * 60000) + parseInt(t2[1] * 1000)
+ parseInt(t2[2]);
var tfinal = Math.abs(t1ms - t2ms);
var ms = tfinal % 1000;
tfinal = (tfinal - ms) / 1000;
var secs = tfinal % 60;
tfinal = (tfinal - secs) / 60;
var mins = tfinal % 60;
var hrs = (tfinal - mins) / 60;
return (mins<10? '0':'') + mins + ':' + (secs<10? '0':'') +
secs + '.' + ms;
To use this, your eval will look like this: [eval: subtractTime('0:58.02','1:57.00');]
John created this js function that you can use to achieve this.
Add this to your functions.html file.
function subtractTime(time,time2)
time = time.replace("\.",":");
time2 = time2.replace("\.",":");
var t1 = time.split(":");
var t2 = time2.split(":");
var t1ms = parseInt(t1[0] * 60000) + parseInt(t1[1] * 1000)
+ parseInt(t1[2]);
var t2ms = parseInt(t2[0] * 60000) + parseInt(t2[1] * 1000)
+ parseInt(t2[2]);
var tfinal = Math.abs(t1ms - t2ms);
var ms = tfinal % 1000;
tfinal = (tfinal - ms) / 1000;
var secs = tfinal % 60;
tfinal = (tfinal - secs) / 60;
var mins = tfinal % 60;
var hrs = (tfinal - mins) / 60;
return (mins<10? '0':'') + mins + ':' + (secs<10? '0':'') +
secs + '.' + ms;
To use this, your eval will look like this: [eval: subtractTime('0:58.02','1:57.00');]
XML and SQL can be stored locally and called using res://. You can't update a local XML file, but you can create a SQL database on the fly. More info on that here:
If you are set on json, one solution you can consider using is to create a second datasource (one json must still be external) and then use the 'add' object property to populate this new json from your external source, which will then be stored locally. This would then leave you the ability to update this local json with new data at any time, but should reduce load time on rotate. This json would be local, but would not display inside your project as a visible file similar to creating a SQL on the fly.
See info on add in the object properties section here:
Another solution is that you could store JSON data inside of a texttemplate directly in the WIRE code and run it out that way, though this is a more static approach.
If you are set on json, one solution you can consider using is to create a second datasource (one json must still be external) and then use the 'add' object property to populate this new json from your external source, which will then be stored locally. This would then leave you the ability to update this local json with new data at any time, but should reduce load time on rotate. This json would be local, but would not display inside your project as a visible file similar to creating a SQL on the fly.
See info on add in the object properties section here:
<httpheader name="redBox-header" Accept="application/json" /> <datasource name="redBox-default" source="" httpheader="redBox-header" query="/Products/Movie" providertype="json" urlcacheduration="43200" datasourceerror="redbox-error" /> <datasource name="redBox-movies" source="" query="/Products/Movie" providertype="json" /> ..... <assign property="datasource:redBox-default.source" value="" /> <assign property="datasource:redBox-movies.add" value="{ "originDataSourceIndex" : "[var:inventoryIndex]", "Title" : "[datasource:redBox-default.[var:inventoryIndex].Title]", "productId" : "[datasource:redBox-default.[var:inventoryIndex].@productId]", "BoxArtImage" : "[eval: JSON.parse('[datasource:redBox-default.[var:inventoryIndex].BoxArtImages/link]')[1]['@href']]", "ReleaseYear" : "[datasource:redBox-default.[var:inventoryIndex].ReleaseYear]", "MPAARating" : "[datasource:redBox-default.[var:inventoryIndex].MPAARating]", "RunningLength" : "[datasource:redBox-default.[var:inventoryIndex].RunningLength]" }"/>
Another solution is that you could store JSON data inside of a texttemplate directly in the WIRE code and run it out that way, though this is a more static approach.
Height and Width are assignable object properties for a panel, but align and valign are not. Nor is valignment for text tags.
Here is a walkthrough on how to setup SalesForce and get your API keys. Included is a sample wire to test the integration.">
Let us know if you have any questions.
Here is a walkthrough on how to setup SalesForce and get your API keys. Included is a sample wire to test the integration.">
Let us know if you have any questions.
That is likely the problem, try changing that in your User Info section inside of the App Creation Studio.
Android devices do have trouble deciphering special characters in usernames and passwords. You wouldn't happen to have quotes or colons in your un or password would you?
Can you give me a little more detail to help me assist you?
Is this the most recent version of fusebox from the Play Story? Version 0.9 (beta)?
What version of Android is running on your Note 2?
Is this the most recent version of fusebox from the Play Story? Version 0.9 (beta)?
What version of Android is running on your Note 2?
That is a bit of a philosophical question as everyone learns a little differently. But a good place to start is learning what you can about HTML and XML, as our WIRE language is built on XML.
A great resource for learning about these languages is
A great resource for learning about these languages is
We have a full documentation site complete with tutorials and rag definitions at
Customer support service by UserEcho