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Thanks, Ian. In the meantime, I need to make a timing decision about submitting an iOS app to Apple.

Currently, the SQLite database in my app only has about 75% of the information it is eventually going to have. The rest of the information probably will not be available until a couple days before I would like the app to be in the app store. My plan was to go ahead and get the app approved now with the incomplete data, hold it for release until I got all the data, release a live update, then release the app for purchase in the app store.

I just want to confirm that if I do that, the users will get the new data that I add with the live update.

(I can wait to publish the android version until I have all the data since that can be in google play a few hours after I upload it.)
Consistently android, and at first I thought it was only android. But I have had to do it for iOS as well... not all the times, but sometimes. (For the record, I have been tweaking my database A LOT.) But I just tested it again before I responded. I replicated the issue on android, both fusebox and adhoc. However, in iOS, both fusebox and adhoc, the database updated just fine... without needing any additional builds.

I experienced it in iOS when I added a lot of records to a couple of tables in the database... because the new data was not pulling up. the app was only showing the original few records I had for testing purposes.

Hope that helps.

Thanks, Ian and John! You made my day.
I just did an adhoc build, and my custom fonts did not show up. I messed with all sorts of stuff. Finally, I tried undoing step 4 above.... ignoring the instructions to remove the file designator from my font file name. So, my font file in the root folder is now named "Roboto-Bold.ttf", just like android gave it to me. Additionally, in my wire I used "Roboto-Bold.ttf" for my font name. It now works in both my adhoc build and in fusebox. So, it's worth trying that.
Nevermind. The multiline attribute sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. Here is a screenshot from the facebook textfield
I can't replicate the problem I was having either. Multiline is working just fine. Thanks.
I put an alert to check what values are returning. The if statement is not firing, even when i can confirm that var:final is returning NaN or Infinity. Another function is dependent upon these if statements firing, which is why I care so much about these...

<textfield name="textfield" alias="FACEBOOK-TEXTFIELD" width="100%" height="57%" align="center" bottomof="toolbar" topmargin="6" fieldcolor="#6d84b4" font="Roboto" multiline="yes" size="22" color="#F2F0EE" alignment="left" valignment="top" padding="6" text="" onreturnkeypressed="close-fb" ></textfield>

Thanks, Tyler. It might help if I knew more what I was doing. I downloaded the files and thought, "wow. this might be useful to someone who had real skills." :) Is there an easy way for you to describe how I would incorporate the keyboard into my wire?
Thanks. That keeps me from scouring my code for some crazy little error. :)