Welcome to the RareWire Community Board. Use the field below to add your own contribution or find answers in existing topics. 

How do I enable capture of voice recording in WIRE?

cahoots fa 11 anys updated by icahill (Administrator) fa 11 anys 1

Issue with connecting to FTP in Dreamweaver

benjaminbachman fa 11 anys actualitzat fa 11 anys 9

Guide to server backend

Franch fa 11 anys updated by icahill (Administrator) fa 11 anys 1
Not a bug

I think I've found a bug where percentage-positioned elements don't recalculate when the device is turned 90°.

thillsman fa 12 anys actualitzat fa 12 anys 3
I'm working on a app that will display multiple panels in a table structure (pager with 3 items per row, infinite rows). Each row has a panel at xposes (plural of "xpos"?) of 0%, 33%, and 67%. Everything works fine and dandy until I turn my device. When I do, the left panel stays left, the right panel stays right, but the center panel leans to the left (the same distance away from the left panel as before). If I "refresh" the table (delete it and recreate it from my nav panel), it looks like it should. (In this description, I start in portrait and turn to landscape. If I start in landscape and turn to portrait, the center panel leans to the right.)

I've built table structures like this before and it's always worked, however this time I'm using object tags and multiple classes. I'm betting that has something to do with it. Here's the relevant portion of my code if you'd like to take a look:

<class name="marketing">
<panel name="panelmarketing" alias="MARKETING" style="mainpanelstyle" background="efefef">
<image name="linen" source="images/linen.jpg" width="100%" height="100%" contain="no"></image>
<pager name="pagermarketing" orientation="vertical" paginate="no" width="100%" height="100%">
<panel name="spacer" width="100%" height="30" ></panel>
<panel name="row1" width="100%" height="200">
<object class="marketingcol1" imagesource="images/pdf1.png" textvalue="text" />
<object class="marketingcol2" imagesource="images/pdf2.png" textvalue="text" />
<object class="marketingcol3" imagesource="images/pdf3.png" textvalue="text" />
<panel name="row2" width="100%" height="200">
<object class="marketingcol1" imagesource="images/pdf1.png" textvalue="text" />
<object class="marketingcol2" imagesource="images/pdf2.png" textvalue="text" />
<object class="marketingcol3" imagesource="images/pdf3.png" textvalue="text" />
<panel name="row3" width="100%" height="200">
<object class="marketingcol1" imagesource="images/pdf1.png" textvalue="text" />
<object class="marketingcol2" imagesource="images/pdf2.png" textvalue="text" />
<object class="marketingcol3" imagesource="images/pdf3.png" textvalue="text" />
<panel name="row4" width="100%" height="200">
<object class="marketingcol1" imagesource="images/pdf1.png" textvalue="text" />
<object class="marketingcol2" imagesource="images/pdf2.png" textvalue="text" />
<object class="marketingcol3" imagesource="images/pdf3.png" textvalue="text" />
<class name="marketingcol1">
<panel name="col1" width="33%" height="75%" valign="center">
<image name="image" source="[param:imagesource]" style="marketingimage"></image>
<text name="text" text="[param:textvalue]" style="marketingtext"></text>
<class name="marketingcol2">
<panel name="col1" width="34%" height="75%" xpos="33%" valign="center">
<image name="image" source="[param:imagesource]" style="marketingimage"></image>
<text name="text" text="[param:textvalue]" style="marketingtext"></text>
<class name="marketingcol3">
<panel name="col1" width="33%" height="75%" xpos="67%" valign="center">
<image name="image" source="[param:imagesource]" style="marketingimage"></image>
<text name="text" text="[param:textvalue]" style="marketingtext"></text>


A couple annotation questions...

thillsman fa 12 anys updated by icahill (Administrator) fa 12 anys 7
I've been playing with custom images on map annotations and I've got it working, but I have a few aesthetic questions:

Do the annotation images follow the same Retina rules as regular images? I ask because my images look a little pixelated (on my iPhone 4S and 4th-gen iPad, both Retina devices). My source image should be more than fine, but I'm still seeing some jaggedness. I'm wondering if these images aren't rendering to actual pixels and keeping themselves restricted to virtual pixels.

Also, can you tell the stick portion of the iOS pic to go away? As it is, it looks like the image just replaces the top of the pin, so if you were to make a Google Maps-style teardrop-shaped icon, it would point to the top of the line that points to the location on the map.

App Creation Classes This March

icahill (Administrator) fa 12 anys 0
RareWire will be teaching the following classes starting in March at the Kauffman Foundation in Kansas City. Please follow the link below to register.

1) HTML5 and CSS3 for Beginners
2) WIRE for Beginners
3) Advanced WIRE

Register Here: http://www.cvent.com/events/kauffman-...
Under review

Multiline textfield won't allow placeholder text

mrcole13 fa 12 anys updated by icahill (Administrator) fa 12 anys 1
I have a textfield that needs to be multiline and have a placeholder text. Currently when both are defined, the placeholder text does not display. Is this by design?

How do I change the onclickup of an text tag?

carbamide fa 12 anys updated by icahill (Administrator) fa 12 anys 1
I'm wanting to change the onclickup of a text tag depending on what panel is currently on screen. Is this possible?

Fit attribute for text object

doug fa 12 anys updated by icahill (Administrator) fa 12 anys 12
I believe that I am having some issues with the fit="yes" attribute for a text object within my wire.

I have a text object that I am assigning values to after some mathematical calculations have been performed, but I am finding that depending on what values are ented in the calculations, the resulting number is too large to show in the text object.

So I thought that I would assign the fit="yes" attribute as outlined in the documentation to help fix this problem. However I am still running into the same problem. Does this attribute not work on text that has been assigned to it via an action, or am I simply not doing it correctly? A sample from my wire is below:



Better detection for onswiperight/left

mrcole13 fa 12 anys actualitzat fa 12 anys 4
I am using a web view in our app that loads a url, which is essentially an article with title/text/image, and can be variable height. When I swipe right or left on the web view, I want to load the next article from an RSS feed. I have this working just fine, however, the detection of the onswipe is a bit picky. I understand why this is, because it's unsure if the user is trying to view more text or swipe to the next article. Is there a better method to detect this event and allow the swipe to occur a little more natural?

Is there anything special that needs to be done with ampersands in URLs?

thillsman fa 12 anys actualitzat fa 12 anys 2
I'm working on a super simple app that basically sends data to a API and displays the result. However Fusebox is alerting me of a code error at Line X, Column Y. At that location in my code, it's my datasource URL. I think it doesn't like the ampersand in the address. Example: http://www.site.com/foo/bar/xml?param1=[var:variable]&param2=x

Bump a pager

jakelisby fa 12 anys updated by icahill (Administrator) fa 12 anys 7
Is there an action that would create the visual of a pager bumping to the left? I'm wondering so it shows a user they can swipe that object.

I know with the scroll tag you can switch to a page, but I was hoping I could do something like 1.2 or something to that effect... :)

Have you all done anything like this before?
Under review

What/How does removeIndex work?

ajones fa 12 anys 0
Can I have a working example of the 'removeIndex' property in Datasource and a clearer definition of what this does to the datasource.

Love this community!

icahill (Administrator) fa 12 anys 0
Love it!

Sample Custom Keyboards for iPad and iPhone.

icahill (Administrator) fa 12 anys 0
Doug and Mike over at WaveLength Media created these custom keyboards for one of their new Apps built in WIRE. They have graciously offered to share these in the community. So enjoy!



images appearing from other apps in my thumbnails????

tommody fa 12 anys updated by icahill (Administrator) fa 12 anys 21
after coding my pdf magazine to function with a pop up thumb nail menu, when viewed in fusebox I get thumbnail images from Atlantic magazine of which I have no affiliation. There are 3 Atlantic mag images for pages 1-3 then no images on the other 49 thumbnail slots

Zebra Striping a List/Tableview

icahill (Administrator) fa 12 anys 0
Check out this blog about how to zebra stripe in WIRE for a list or table view!


Using step in a list that could be variable

mrcole13 fa 12 anys actualitzat fa 12 anys 2
I am trying to build some pager icons that obviously display one for each page. I am using a list and creating them dynamically based on results. In another part of the app I used a step="5" because I always had 5 items per page. On this part of the app, the first page has 6 items, and the second page (and any subsequent page) can have up to 12 items. Is there a way to change the step, or do some other work to ensure we are displaying the right amount of icons?