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Chat for programmers?
when sharing applications with collaborators it would be more than awesome to be able to have some sort of chat on the the rare wire website so that we (whoever is a collaborator on that specific app) can actively discuss code while viewing the code. It would allow groups to work from various locations and collaborate more effectively than just sharing an app with someone and either calling and discussing certain points. It may not be what the website was initially intended to do, BUT it would add a lot more value to the user experience. It would make development for projects much easier.
Trouble with classes
Why isnt the home panel and its objects being created on startup, kicking my butt.
<class name="basicblock">
<panel name="[param:blockname]" alias="[param:BLOCKALIAS]" width="25%" height="33.4%" xpos="[param:blockxpos]" ypos="[param:blockypos]" background="[param:blockbackground]" onclickup="[param:openbioblock]" cornerradius="17"/>
<class name="basicbio" alias="BASICBIO">
<panel name="[param:biobio]" alias="[param:bioalias]" width="50%" height="100%" background="#FFFFFF"/>
<panel name="[param:biovideo]" alias="[param:biovideoalias]" width="50%" height="50%" xpos="50%" background="#000000"/>
<panel name="[param:bioimage]" alias="[param:bioimagealias]" width="50%" height="50%" xpos="50%" ypos="50%" background="#999999" onclickup="deletetest"/>
<class name="home">
<panel name="home" alias="HOME" width="100%" height="100%" background="#00ff00">
<panel name="background" alias="BACKGROUND" width="100%" height="100%" background="#ffffff" />
<panel name="basic" width="100%" height="100%" alias="BIOPAGEPANEL"/>
<action name="start" onit="yes">
<play action="createhome"/>
<action name="createhome">
<create class="home" target="BACKGROUND"/>
<create class="basicblock" blockname="redpanel" blockalias="REDPANEL" blockxpos="0" blockypos="0" blockbackground="FF0000" openbioblock="createbiopageone" target="home"/>
<create class="basicblock" blockname="orangepanel" blockalias="ORANGEPANEL" blockxpos="25%" blockypos="0" blockbackground="FF9900" openbioblock="createbiopagetwo"/>
<create class="basicblock" blockname="yellowpanel" blockalias="YELLOWPANEL" blockxpos="50%" blockypos="0" blockbackground="FFFF00" openbioblock="createbiopagethree"/>
<create class="basicblock" blockname="greenpanel" blockalias="GREENPANEL" blockxpos="75%" blockypos="0" blockbackground="339900" openbioblock="createbiopagefour"/>
<create class="basicblock" blockname="bluepanel" blockalias="BLUEPANEL" blockxpos="0%" blockypos="33.4%" blockbackground="0000FF" openbioblock="createbiopagefive"/>
<create class="basicblock" blockname="indigopanel" blockalias="INDIGOPANEL" blockxpos="75%" blockypos="33.4%" blockbackground="CC33FF" openbioblock="createbiopagesix"/>
<create class="basicblock" blockname="violetpanel" blockalias="VIOLETPANEL" blockxpos="0%" blockypos="66.66%" blockbackground="990099" openbioblock="createbiopageseven"/>
<create class="basicblock" blockname="whitepanel" blockalias="WHITEPANEL" blockxpos="25%" blockypos="66.66%" blockbackground="FFFFFF" openbioblock="createbiopageeight"/>
<create class="basicblock" blockname="graypanel" blockalias="GRAYPANEL" blockxpos="50%" blockypos="66.66%" blockbackground="999999" openbioblock="createbiopagenine"/>
<create class="basicblock" blockname="blackpanel" blockalias="BLACKPANEL" blockxpos="75%" blockypos="66.66%" blockbackground="000000" openbioblock="createbiopageten"/>
<action name="deletehome">
<delete class="basicblock" target="HOME"/>
<action name="createbiopageone">
<play action="deletehome"/>
<create class="basicbio" biobio="bioblockone" bioalias="BIOBLOCKONE" biovideo="biovideoone" biovideoalias="BIOVIDEOONE" bioimage="bioimageone" bioimagealias="BIOIMAGEONE" target="BIOPAGEPANEL"/>
<action name="createbiopagetwo">
<play action="deletehome"/>
<create class="basicbio" biobio="bioblocktwo" bioalias="BIOBLOCKTWO" biovideo="biovideotwo" biovideoalias="BIOVIDEOTWO" bioimage="bioimagetwo" bioimagealias="BIOIMAGETWO" target="BIOPAGEPANEL"/>
<action name="createbiopagethree">
<play action="deletehome"/>
<create class="basicbio" biobio="bioblockthree" bioalias="BIOBLOCKTHREE" biovideo="biovideothree" biovideoalias="BIOVIDEOTHREE" bioimage="bioimagethree" bioimagealias="BIOIMAGETHREE" target="BIOPAGEPANEL"/>
<action name="createbiopagefour">
<play action="deletehome"/>
<create class="basicbio" biobio="bioblockfour" bioalias="BIOBLOCKFOUR" biovideo="biovideofour" biovideoalias="BIOVIDEOFOUR" bioimage="bioimagefour" bioimagealias="BIOIMAGEFOUR" target="BIOPAGEPANEL"/>
<action name="createbiopagefive">
<play action="deletehome"/>
<create class="basicbio" biobio="bioblockfive" bioalias="BIOBLOCKFIVE" biovideo="biovideofive" biovideoalias="BIOVIDEOFIVE" bioimage="bioimagefive" bioimagealias="BIOIMAGEFIVE" target="BIOPAGEPANEL"/>
<action name="createbiopagesix">
<play action="deletehome"/>
<create class="basicbio" biobio="bioblocksix" bioalias="BIOBLOCKSIX" biovideo="biovideosix" biovideoalias="BIOVIDEOSIX" bioimage="bioimagesix" bioimagealias="BIOIMAGESIX" target="BIOPAGEPANEL"/>
<action name="createbiopageseven">
<play action="deletehome"/>
<create class="basicbio" biobio="bioblockseven" bioalias="BIOBLOCKSEVEN" biovideo="biovideoseven" biovideoalias="BIOVIDEOSEVEN" bioimage="bioimageseven" bioimagealias="BIOIMAGESEVEN" target="BIOPAGEPANEL"/>
<action name="createbiopageeight">
<play action="deletehome"/>
<create class="basicbio" biobio="bioblockeight" bioalias="BIOBLOCKEIGHT" biovideo="biovideoeight" biovideoalias="BIOVIDEOEIGHT" bioimage="bioimageeight" bioimagealias="BIOIMAGEEIGHT" target="BIOPAGEPANEL"/>
<action name="createbiopagenine">
<play action="deletehome"/>
<create class="basicbio" biobio="bioblocknine" bioalias="BIOBLOCKNINE" biovideo="biovideonine" biovideoalias="BIOVIDEONINE" bioimage="bioimagenine" bioimagealias="BIOIMAGENINE" target="BIOPAGEPANEL"/>
<action name="createbiopageten">
<play action="deletehome"/>
<create class="basicbio" biobio="bioblockten" bioalias="BIOBLOCKTEN" biovideo="biovideoten" biovideoalias="BIOVIDEOTEN" bioimage="bioimageten" bioimagealias="BIOIMAGETEN" target="BIOPAGEPANEL"/>
<action name="deletetest">
<delete class="basicbio" target="BIOPAGEPANEL"/>
<play action="createhome"/>
<set tofront="yes" target="HOME"/>
Where can I find a tutorial for "Using GPS Location?" It's listed on the tutorials page but is blacked out so I can't click on it.
For my app I need to use the GPS coordinates of the user's device as part of the submitted form. Where can I find a tutorial on this as the tutorial on the tutorials page is blacked out and can't be clicked.
Height="fit" not working for me anymore
This was previously working, not sure why it's not now.
App Id: 6078.
Looks like my table of contents titles (tocStoryName) are being cut off now within a text attribute that uses height="fit". Is there something that is incorrect in my code here?
App Id: 6078.
Looks like my table of contents titles (tocStoryName) are being cut off now within a text attribute that uses height="fit". Is there something that is incorrect in my code here?
<panel name="tocStoryL" width="50%" height="195" align="left" onclick="loadStoryFromTOC" clicktarget="../../MAG" _storyStartPos="[param:posL]">
<panel name="tocImgCntnr" width="35%" height="181" xpos="7" ypos="7">
<image name="tocStoryImg" source="[param:imgSrcL]" width="100%"></image>
<panel name="tocInfo" width="58%" fitheight="yes" align="right" rightpad="5%">
<text name="tocStoryName" width="100%" height="fit" alignment="left" rightof="tocImgCntnr" ypos="10" font="HelveticaNeue-Light" size="20" color="#FFFFFF" text="[param:nameL]" onclickup="hideToc" onclick="page" clicktarget="../../MAG" _page="[param:posL]"></text>
<text name="tocStoryInfo" width="100%" height="fit" alignment="left" rightof="tocImgCntnr" bottomof="tocStoryName" font="HelveticaNeue-Light" size="12" color="#ebebeb" text="[param:infoL]"></text>
<panel name="tocBtmInfo" width="58%" height="30" rightpad="5%" align="right" valign="bottom">
<text name="tocStoryAuthor" lwidth="290" width="180" height="30" alignment="left" font="HelveticaNeue" size="12" color="#7f7f7f" text="[param:authorL]"></text>
<text name="tocStoryPos" width="25" height="30" alignment="left" align="right" font="HelveticaNeue" size="12" color="#7f7f7f" text="[param:posL]"></text>
Auto-refresh (timed refresh) options?
Looking for some suggestions...What are my options if I want to refresh a screen on a timed or periodic basis? (i.e. auto-refresh every 2 hours).
I have a refresh button on the screen, but I would like to have the screen refresh, from the server, on a timed basis even if you didn't press the refresh button.
This would eliminate the problem of someone not realizing they had new content:
1) if they didn't close and reopen the app or
2) if they didn't press the refresh button
Thanks for your thoughts!
I have a refresh button on the screen, but I would like to have the screen refresh, from the server, on a timed basis even if you didn't press the refresh button.
This would eliminate the problem of someone not realizing they had new content:
1) if they didn't close and reopen the app or
2) if they didn't press the refresh button
Thanks for your thoughts!
Scrolling pager now registering as a click since updating to ios7
Since I've updated my rarewire on my ipad to ios7, every time I attempt to scroll through my scrubber pager, it registers as a click.
Is it possible to delete an object from an action?
Hello, I have been having issues with the function in rarewire. I am currently able to delete panels, but I cannot delete objects made from a class. Here is the code:
The class that the object is being created from is "Row-Holder" and is the child of a panel that has an "onswipeleft" action that calls "Change-Page" and from there it deletes the object, and one panel.
Thank you for your help,
<class name="Row-Holder">
<panel name="Row1" width="104%" height="25%" ypos="3%">
<image name="Circle" source="images/Circle.png" xpos="4.25%"></image>
<image name="Face" source="images/Face.png" xpos="29.25%"></image>
<image name="Line" source="images/Line.png" xpos="54.25%"></image>
<image name="X" source="images/X.png" xpos="79.25%"></image>
<panel name="Row2" width="104%" height="25%" ypos="28%">
<image name="Circle" source="images/Circle.png" xpos="4.25%"></image>
<image name="Face" source="images/Face.png" xpos="29.25%"></image>
<image name="Line" source="images/Line.png" xpos="54.25%"></image>
<image name="X" source="images/X.png" xpos="79.25%"></image>
<panel name="Row3" width="104%" height="25%" ypos="53%">
<image name="Circle" source="images/Circle.png" xpos="4.25%"></image>
<image name="Face" source="images/Face.png" xpos="29.25%"></image>
<image name="Line" source="images/Line.png" xpos="54.25%"></image>
<image name="X" source="images/X.png" xpos="79.25%"></image>
<panel name="Row4" width="104%" height="25%" ypos="78%">
<image name="Circle" source="images/Circle.png" xpos="4.25%"></image>
<image name="Face" source="images/Face.png" xpos="29.25%"></image>
<image name="Line" source="images/Line.png" xpos="54.25%"></image>
<image name="X" source="images/X.png" xpos="79.25%"></image>
<panel name="background" alias="BACKGROUND" width="100%" height="100%" align="center" background="#ffffff">
<!--Top part that says "partcipating restaurants" -->
<panel name="Restaurants" alias="RESTAURANTS" width="100%" height="25%" align="center">
<text name="Restaurant_Text" width="100%" height="100%" alignment="center" font="helvetica" size="50" color="#000000" text="Participating Restaurants"></text>
<!-- Help button for sending more resturants to C3 data base -->
<panel name="Help" alias="HELP" width="50%" height="25%" align="center" ypos="85%" onclickup="SendRestaurant">
<image name="HelpButton" source="images/Add_Button.png" width="100%" height="100%" alignment="center"></image>
<panel name="Holder" alias="HOLDER" width="50%" height="50%" align="center" valign="center" background="#1b1632" alpha=".75" onswipeleft="Change-Page">
<object class="Row-Holder" name="picture" alias="PICTURE"></object>
<action name="SendRestaurant">
<alert title="MyAlter" message="Click"></alert>
<action name="Change-Page">
<delete target="PICTURES"></delete>
<delete target="HELP"></delete>
<alert title="SWIPE" message="You SWIPED ME"></alert>
The class that the object is being created from is "Row-Holder" and is the child of a panel that has an "onswipeleft" action that calls "Change-Page" and from there it deletes the object, and one panel.
Thank you for your help,
does RareWire support IOS 7?
Does RareWire support IOS7, I am creating an app and i am wondering if RareWire is IOS 7 compatable or not
Not a bug
Issue with portfolio
I have an issue in the fact that I have accidentally deleted a portfolio, or the big red button which disconnected the portfolio, or deleted the portfolio. The name of the portfolio was/is "CAPS" I wanted to know if there was a way to possibly recover the portfolio.
Thank you for your time.
CAPS Associate
I have an issue in the fact that I have accidentally deleted a portfolio, or the big red button which disconnected the portfolio, or deleted the portfolio. The name of the portfolio was/is "CAPS" I wanted to know if there was a way to possibly recover the portfolio.
Thank you for your time.
CAPS Associate
Getting error message while attempting to get a .keystore file for android build
Can anyone tell me why I am getting the error in this screen shot when I attempt to generate a .keystore file?
Is there any way possible to have the panel swipe with the finger when calling onswipeleft?
I was hoping to be able to move the panel like the movement of the finger swiping to give the panel an appearance of movement.
Image masking
Do you have some sample wire on image masking with canvas. we are basically trying to create a scratch off feature.
Under review
Fusebox not compatible with my Android device
I am trying to install Fusebox but is not compatible with my device. I use Android 4.1.1
Customer support service by UserEcho