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Are you sure that the [param:id] in the <object> tag inside of your tocList is unique? Usually we rely on [param:dataSourceIndex] to guarantee unique names for object->classes instantiating. Unique naming is very important for orientation resizing.
There are a couple of other important things to keep in mind about the pdf tag. By default, the first page of any PDF (the cover) is rendered without tille based rasterization. The reason that is the default behavior is to improve the speed of rendering the first page. It also enhances the types of transitions that you can create when displaying the PDF. For example you might want to curldown the first page to give a nice paper effect. Rendering without tiles does a one pass rasterization, so there is a tradeoff in zoom quality. Usually downsampling the first page to 132 DPI will make the first page look crisp in the default mode.

You can override the non-tile behavior of the first page by adding covertile="yes" to the PDF tag. That will make the first page perform the same way all all subsequent pages.
I would probably recommend just swiping the app to the right and resetting the app in fusebox and try to download the whole App again before trying to launch it.
Are you able to log into the Studio using the same credentials? If not, please email me your username and password to community@rarewire.com
Looking at your example, you have 2 imagestrips defined with the same Alias. Alias must be unique globally, so this might be why you are not seeing the images.

You only seem to have images for iphone stored in your wire, so I would not count on your ipad images working until you have created image files for them.

Your prefix value should not contain the "images/" path. That being said, there is a chance that imagestrip images need to be stored at the root of the project. I will confirm this.

The "time" attribute is not available on the playstrip action at this time, but it can be used on the sync action. I would make your wire like this:

<panel name="launchcontainer" alias="LAUNCHCONTAINER" height="100%" width="100%" background="#a58d3c" alpha="1">
<platform device="iPhone"><imagestrip name="launchgraphic" alias="LAUNCHGRAPHIC" prefix="launchiphone-" fps="25"></imagestrip></platform>

<action name="launchgraphic" oninit="yes">
<playstrip target="LAUNCHGRAPHIC" loops="yes"/>
<sync delay="5">
<alpha value="1" time="0" target="LAUNCHGRAPHIC" />
You can detect the type of link within the weblink action by using the [eval] tags and if blocks:

<if lhs="[eval:('_url').indexOf('mailto:')]" operator="gte" rhs="0">
<email toaddress="[eval:('_url').substring(7,('_url').length)]" />

<if lhs="[eval:(&quot;_url&quot;).indexOf('http')]" operator="gte" rhs="0">

<!-- {normal web link code here} -->


Each if block will be called depending of if the link starts with mailto: or http. You will also see a simple way of stripping off the mail: prefix in the toaddress attribute of the action using [eval] and Javascript
Wire supports a lot of ways to handle changes in orientation. The primary way is to define 'l' paramaters within your tags (as in landscape). So lets say that you want the Wire to set up something that is a different size and position on the screen when in landscape mode vs portait.

Try this out:

<panel name="sqaure" background="#449977" width="50" height="50" lwidth="300" lheight="300" align="center" valign="center" lalign="right" lvalign="bottom"/>

When you run this Wire you will see that in portait mode the square is 50x50 in the middle of the screen, but when you rotate to landscape the "l" parameters takes over and resize and repositions the object. There are a lot of l parameters- check out the docs for a full list- they are all very useful.

You can also query the current orientation in an action tag by asking any object using an [object:myobject.orientation] token. The token will substitute to either "portrait" or "landscape" depending on how the user is holding the device.

I hope this helps!
The current version of Conduit that is in the App Store does have the ability to make anything draggable via the draggable="yes" parameter. However, that version does not have object properties exposed that will allow you to control the alpha level of another object.

However, we are currently aiming for sending a new version of Conduit to Apple early next week that does indeed provide a very easy way to do exactly what you are hoping to accomplish. There are a large number of features that will also be included, so look for an announcement in the next week.

Stay tuned!
<scale> accepts translations as well as width and height. To grow/shrink from the center do something like this:

<scale target="SOMEOBJECT" width="100%" height="100%" align="center" valign="center" time="2"/>

the align and valign values are the key.

You can also use xpos and ypos to control the offset that the image will be at AFTER the scale completes.