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Let me get back to you on this issue. I am sure we can come up with a workaround for this.
13 лет назад
You could create a smaller transparent image to layer on top of a larger image and set a draggable attribute on it. This could give the effect I think you are looking for.
You can use an attribute called clip="yes" to crop an image or child within its parent, so you could achieve this effect. For now you would be bound to the dimensions of a panel as the parent or mask, so you could only do squares/rectangles with radius or borders set.
You could probably create an image of an odd shaped border with a transparency in the middle and place an image underneath it in the z order. I believe this could achieve the same effect. They image underneath would have to be roughly the same size as the masked image or smaller.
You could probably create an image of an odd shaped border with a transparency in the middle and place an image underneath it in the z order. I believe this could achieve the same effect. They image underneath would have to be roughly the same size as the masked image or smaller.
I also just got word that our next version of the engine will not only include a new version of Conduit, (rebranded and better). But will also include an attribute called "ondevicerotate" which can trigger an action on an object tag when the device is moved into a different orientation.
This should be out in the next week or so. I think you will find it very useful!
This should be out in the next week or so. I think you will find it very useful!
Check out the page on Object Properties. Then you can head over to the <panel> tag and look for an object property named "orientation". This will help you determine the current orientation of the device. This is read only at the moment, but you could use it to drive a specific action through an If statement.
These can be found within the <panel> tag documentation. The foundation for all object tags within the wire.
Could you post an example of your query value on this topic using the <code> wrapper?
The "some html allowed" link above the text field can guide you in displaying code within a getsatisfaction topic
Could you post an example of your query value on this topic using the <code> wrapper?
The "some html allowed" link above the text field can guide you in displaying code within a getsatisfaction topic
I added a m4v file of your video to the project and named it "test" it seems to respond to the seekto attribute. The major difference that I made, was to change the bit rate one that is less than 500. I think this over rode any potential streaming format that Sorenson Squeeze uses.
Using the datasourceevent attribute on an action tag we currently support the following three events:
querycomplete, datasourceerror, and interactionrequest
Also we have support for a few more special object properties. These include:
DatasourceIndex, incrementDatasourceIndex, decrementDatasourceIndex and currentDatasourceIndex.
More info on these can be found within the panel tag documentation.
querycomplete, datasourceerror, and interactionrequest
Also we have support for a few more special object properties. These include:
DatasourceIndex, incrementDatasourceIndex, decrementDatasourceIndex and currentDatasourceIndex.
More info on these can be found within the panel tag documentation.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I will check with the team and make sure there isn't a way to make this work before we add it to the docs.
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