Uw opmerkingen


Sorry for not seeing this. My email notifications must be on the fritz. I can confirm this issue and will look at it shortly. 
It is probably best to start new topics for new issues, it makes them easier to follow for others. 
Inside of our WIRE Editor in the studio there is an "Examples" tab on the left sidebar. This will install sample wire files into your app project. Simply copy and paste the content of the .wire file that is added to your project into your main.wire file to see a working example. Then you can play with the code and figure out why it is functioning the way it is. 

Are you using block level tags? 

Please check out our tutorial page for some insight on how to start a simple app. 
All action tags require a name. In your case you are defining your onclickup as "close-modal" to your action needs to be: 

<action name="close-modal">
<alpha value="0" time=".5" target="modal" />
I performed some tests and it seems as if zoomscale and zoomscroll are not functioning as they should. I have logged some bugs for them.  

A simple min/max zoom can be achieved like this based off a 100% image. Min and max can be set for the number times zoom. So a 3x min zoom will kick you to 3 times the size of the image set on pinch and not let you go any smaller. The same applies for max, you can zoom in a max of 60x on pinch in the example below, but not more.  

<image name="big" height="100%" width="100%" source="big.jpg" zoomable="yes" zoommin="3" zoommax="60" ></image>
This should be corrected now. 
Yes it does. Click on the WIRE Definition link at the top of the page.
Well that is a good question. What device and version of Android are you running? 
And the documentation site is back up! 

you can access it from studio.rarewire.com/wordpress