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Dang it, early morning brain fart. Of course it does, we're currently using that... For some reason I was out of it.

So I guess my request would be to add the API key capabilities for Parse. If we were able to do that, it would save us from having to manage a config file at all. Can we put that feature request in? Or perhaps a capability like Github has where you can include/declare any public API and it will be accessible in your app?
Well, essentially, I'm looking to create 2 sets of API credentials, links and the like. One will represent Sandbox, one Production. I'd like there to be a single preference we would need to change in the code that would point the app to the correct set of information.

The more I'm thinking through this, the more I'm considering using a SQL database that has a preference pointing to it. My problem is preferences are only available in one wire at a time, so there needs to be some passing which adds to the fun of course... :)
Sure, so I'd like the first "page" in the pager to move to the left about 10% quickly, and then move back into place. So it looks like a quick jump to the left.
Your suggestion was exactly correct... We were passing the wire file as a variable, but not when it was coming from the subwire. SO the load didn't know what to load. All's well now, and we're sitting pretty with this story. Thanks for your help man!
Now we're cooking with propane! Thanks Ian and you have a super duper day!

And sorry, the app id's are Dewsly Jake is 2393 and Dewsly Demo is 2394
So it took about an hour, but the Dewsly Demo app Ad Hoc build finally failed. The Dewsly Jake ones are still running, and I just started another, but it's failed now too.

Any advice?
Nope, I hadn't. I just did though and there are 2 running in the Dewsly Jake app, but the one in Dewsly Demo is just saying waiting... No progress in a while
Yup, I'm good with the app bundle ID and it matches the one on the app that is able to create a build.

Here are the ID's that aren't able to build:
Strange, ok. Is there a thought to expand that attribute to allow variable heights? I think that's where the real value of this lies. If I know all the heights of the items within, then I can just set the parent container to the sum of those. I think allowing it to realize variable heights would make it an incredible tool.