Your comments

That would be great, thanks!
Thanks for the tip Matt. Turns out my param:id that was coming from the json feed was supposed to be param:rowId in the first place. Works fine now.
Ill check it out. Good to know that unique naming is critical for orientation resizing.

Thanks Matt!
I want to grab the value of "name" by one of its siblings, not by the order of the node within the json feed...if that's possible.

In my very first example at the original post, I would like to grab the value of "name" by the value of "id", which in that case would be 3550. I know that I could use:

<assign property="object:STORYNAME.text" value="[]" />

to get the value of name if it was the first entry. But I want to get the value of name by the id.
Right, but in your example aren't you grabbing the value of name by the order of the node in the datasource, which would be 5?
When I use:

<assign property="object:STORYNAME.text" value="[]" />

It grabs the second entry within storiesFeed (which is a json file). The json file is located here: So the result of this code would be "About RG3".

Is there a way that I can simply edit this line of code:

<assign property="object:STORYNAME.text" value="[]" />

So that I can grab the value "name" by one of the nodes attributes. What if I wanted to get the value of "type", but did not want to grab it by the order of the node, what if i wanted to grab it by the id, which in this case would be '3553'.

Is there something I can write like:

<assign property="object:STORYNAME.text" value="[]" />.
Hey Ian, let's say I have this within my main.wire, and I want to load my issue.wire within it. Each of my issues are within a subdirectory.

- main.wire
- issue1
     - issue1.wire
- issue2
     - issue2.wire

How would i structure this call to load these subwires that are within subdirectories?