Under review

Some websites wont load in android webpanel?

sovtek 12 years ago updated by icahill (Administrator) 12 years ago 5
I trying to load url's within a web panel, and noticed that certain sites don't load at all. I this a rarewire problem for android, or is this an android/nexus native problem?

Can anyone confirm the same results within android?

Simple test:


<web name="webBrowser" alias="WEBBROWSER" width="100%" height="95%" valign="bottom" url="http://www.oakley.com" transparent="no"></web>
<web name="webBrowser" alias="WEBBROWSER" width="100%" height="95%" valign="bottom" url="http://www.google.com" transparent="no"></web>

Doesn't Work:

<web name="webBrowser" alias="WEBBROWSER" width="100%" height="95%" valign="bottom" url="http://www.espn.com" transparent="no"></web>
<web name="webBrowser" alias="WEBBROWSER" width="100%" height="95%" valign="bottom" url="http://www.underarmor.com" transparent="no"></web>
Well it seems that when ESPN and UnderArmor are loading inside of the Chrome browser on the Nexus 10 tablet, they redirect to the mobile website. (m.espn.com and m.underarmor.com) I think this is prob causing the problem in the webview.

I will log a bug report for this.
This is being actively looked at by the dev team. Hopefully we will get a fix soon.
Just checking on this.
This has been fixed and will go out with the next build. Still testing some of the new fixes.