Your comments

Ok thanks, i will test it out.
ok, but are you saying i will still have to have all of my skin level actions, like showToolbar inside of the subwire?

Is there no way to target the superwire from the subwire when calling an action?
Yeah this isn't good for us. We can work around it for now, but this is not a good method for generating and managing mass content. If the toolbar is inside of every single wire file then then there is no way to manage a single app skin for all a publications issues.

I will contact Kirk and Matthew to see what can be done unless you have a better suggestion.
This worked! Thanks.
The only part left is that, if i create the pdf object and it's content is in a different wire file, then load it oninit, i cannot call my showToolbar function from the loaded wire, because it is in the parent document.

The app throws an error saying that the function is not found.
Do you know of a way to get around this?

I prefer to keep the app skin as a complete separate file than inside of each actual issue.
Ok this definitely helped, but now clickable objects inside of the PDF are firing the showToolbar action.

Is there a way to prevent the objects on the pdf from firing the global click?
Never mind, I figured this out. If you place the toolbar after pdf tag code area, it is rendered on top of the pdf.
Actually upon looking at this further, it turns out that it has nothing to do with loading the external wire file.

The question is can i simply draw a panel over the top of the pdf object from outside of the pdf tag.
Yep, that was it. Hand to forehead.... Sorry about that and thanks again for your help.