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Concerning my storefront magazine app...

The app will be updated with issues as time goes on. Within the main.wire (storefront), we will have a list of the issues, a subscribe button at the top of the app, and a buy button under each issue.

So if I am following right, every time we want to add an issue to a storefront, we have to also add the product into iTunes connect first?

I have looked over the load function and see the attributes subscriptionid and productid. Are there any tutorials or videos that show how in app purchases and subscriptions can be done within the wire code?
Also, another quick question. I am doing another ad-hoc build. Do I need to create a separate Certificate from the one I used within my Blanchard Magazine app? Or can I use the same certificate and just create a new provisioning profile?
Ah ok didn't realize I had to change that there.

I went ahead and set it to 1.5.1, saved on rarewire site. Also refreshed my app list within fusefox, reset the app, and redownloaded it. Still seem to be having the same issue within all my Fusebox sandboxes, but the adHoc version of the app we're working with looks fine.

"SendMyAd, Interactive" should be "SendMyAd, Interactive Ad Portal"
"Virtual Publisher Book" should be "Virtual Publisher Book Planning"
"About Blanchard" should be "About Blanchard Systems"
Ok, so 1.5.1 is not ios7 version?

Is this something that will be fixed relatively soon? We have some demos coming up.