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is it possible to place a pager on top of another pager?

snussbomb 11 років тому оновлено icahill (Administrator) 11 років тому 1
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New at this but interested... where can I learn?

andymannoh 11 років тому оновлено icahill (Administrator) 11 років тому 4
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salesforce connection from sample file.

jchristman 11 років тому оновлено icahill (Administrator) 11 років тому 5

Web - HTML text box question

Bryan Azorsky 12 років тому оновлено icahill (Administrator) 12 років тому 1
I'm looking for help in creating a text box that contains too much text to fit in the box, so I need it to be able to scroll.

I'm building this off of the Rat Pack code that Dustin led on Nov 1st.

I've created a html document, about2.html

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum sed leo nisi, eget aliquet libero. Pellentesque at diam vel elit ultricies mollis.

Donec volutpat tempus varius. Phasellus mauris neque, rutrum eu tempus eu, venenatis tincidunt urna.

Nulla nec nibh vitae leo varius porta. Sed mattis tristique nisl, ut feugiat turpis iaculis porttitor. Fusce tincidunt dui quis velit auctor non euismod enim rhoncus.

Fusce a neque nisi, nec ultrices nunc.
Phasellus scelerisque felis nec tellus adipiscing nec sollicitudin nunc feugiat. Nunc luctus velit sodales erat euismod in mattis tellus eleifend. Proin eget risus lacus. Quisque arcu lorem, imperdiet eu tempor sit amet, congue a odio.
I'm placing it in the object class for the first image position from the class, and I haven't changed the name as you will notice.

It's not working the way I want, I can't see the text appear. I think I'm going about this the wrong way.

Zoom into current location?

JohnWeez 12 років тому оновлено icahill (Administrator) 12 років тому 1
Just trying to zoom into my current location

I cannot get fusebox to even recognize my app, how do you set it up?

Lcdrgreg 12 років тому оновлено icahill (Administrator) 12 років тому 1

Can you link scrolling states?

Derek Berdine 12 років тому 0
We have multiple lists, set up in a "table" array. We have a list of options on the left (one for each row of the "table"). We have a list of products across the top (one for each column of the "table"). The "table" sits within nested pagers to scroll vertically and horizontally. We need to link that scrolling to the top and left lists so when the "table" is scrolled, the outer lists scroll correspondant to the "table" movement and vice-versa.

Anyone know a good way to link scrolling states in such a way?
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Is there a Change Log available?

Derek Berdine 12 років тому оновлено icahill (Administrator) 12 років тому 1
Is there a change log somewhere so we can see which features are supported in each version of RW?

I know it would take a considerable amount of work, but could this information be added to features in the documentation? Say, a little tag at the end of each entry that says "Version 1.1+", for example.
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Access local timestamp or date

doug 12 років тому оновлений 12 років тому 2
Is it possible to be able to capture the local date and time from the device? For instance, we are looking to create a favorite function that when an action is activated, we want to be able to put a time stamp along with the entry into the SQLite database. Is this possible?
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What do you know about < capture>?

thillsman 12 років тому оновлений 12 років тому 2
So, Adam leaked a little awesomeness on Twitter the other day: https://mobile.twitter.com/MilitantJo...

What can you tell me about the capture tag? Specifically:
- Does it work in 1.3?
- What would be the best method to use it to save directly to the Camera Roll?
- Where does the path in the tofile attribute start at? (Is it structured like the folders I see when I FTP into studio.RareWire.com or does it default to "images" or does the conversion-to-a-native-app process create a new folder structure?)

That's all I can think of right now. :)
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Location update for action

choffmann 12 років тому оновлений 12 років тому 6
I am tinkering around with some location based ideas and I need to be able to tell when the current location has been updated (i.e. when the user/device has moved from one set of GPS coordinates to another). I see that there is a datasourceevent attribute named "locationupdate" that is currently still in beta.

When will that feature be out of beta? Can you provide a quick example of how it should be used?

My code so far:

<action name="updatedlocation" datasource="annotations" datasourceevent="locationupdate">
<assign property="object:LABEL.text" value="[object:MAP.gpslocation]"/>
<alert message="Location changed!" />

I am not entirely certain I am using it correctly. Thank you for any help!
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Can I reduce App download size by reducing bit depth of images?

UtamicDev 12 років тому оновлений 12 років тому 3
Our application (iSew) has a number of applications within it. The download times are too long and I have discovered that a number of background images have 24 bit depth. I have reduced this to 8 bit to make them smaller and they still look fine. The size change (only for about 8 background images) was from 17.5Mb to 5.6Mb!

However, will this change the size of the download?

I am concerned that possibly the images are scaled to a standard bit depth which might mean that there will be no change to the download size.
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Advanced Class resource

Bryan Azorsky 12 років тому оновлений 12 років тому 4
Have you uploaded the wire from the Advanced class that Adam and Marty held on Oct. 30th to the lab page, or is there a link available?
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Can you call multiple actions on multiple panels by dragging a finger across these panels?

thillsman 12 років тому оновлено icahill (Administrator) 12 років тому 9
Here's my situation: I've got multiple panels sitting next to each other with "onclick" attributes. Tapping on each panel correctly fires the appropriate action. But I'd love it if I could drag my finger across a few panels to fire a few different actions. Is there a way to do it?

Here's a use case to better illustrate it: If you're building a piano keyboard app and draw out your keys with panels, setting "onclick" to play that note, you can definitely tap keys to hear the right notes. But I want to play a glissando, running my finger from one key to another and playing every note as I hit it. Is there any way to do this?

WIRE Snippets for Sublime Text Editor

icahill (Administrator) 12 років тому оновлено thillsman 12 років тому 1
Much like the snippet library we created for TextExpander, here comes an alternate library for users of the Sublime Text Editor.

Follow the link to a blog post created by an Avid WIRE user to download the files. The post comes complete with instructions on how to use.

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Twitter Authentication

Michael Mikkelsen 12 років тому оновлений 12 років тому 6
How do you use the new twitter authentication that's integrated with iOS and handle multiple twitter accounts?
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Super out of 2 layers of includes

jakelisby 12 років тому оновлений 12 років тому 12
Can you superwire out of 2 includes to perform an action in the main.wire?

For example I have main.wire that includes subwire1.wire and that includes subwire2.wire. I want to instigate an action from subwire2.wire and have it trigger in main.wire.
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Calling an action onswipe(right or left depending on which end of the pager you are on)

jakelisby 12 років тому оновлено icahill (Administrator) 12 років тому 4
Can you call an action when the user swipes against the end of a pager?

For example, view is on page1 of a pager and the user swipes backward (right).

I tried using an if statement to identify if the view is on page1, and then if so onswiperight perform an action, but it's not recognizing. Thoughts?