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I am all good now. I just was having issues trying to access the JSON response from the server when I was logging in to Parse.
I attempted to use this query that you have listed above with / as the query for the login process, and using [datasource:parsePost.1.code] to get the status code (or any item for that matter), but with no luck. This is what I have:

<datasource name="parseLogin" httpmethod="get" source="" query="/" providertype="json" httpheader="parseHeader" urlcacheduration="1"></datasource>
<assign property="datasource:parseLogin.source" value="https://api.parse.com/1/login?username="[var:username]&password=[var:password] />
<action name="sign-in" datasource="parseLogin" datasourceevent="querycomplete">
			<alert message="[datasource:parseLogin.1.code]" />
With the code above, all I have been getting is blank alerts...
Ok, great. That is exactly what I needed.

Now, what if I wanted to take this data that was in the table, construct a new JSON feed based on the data in this table, and push it back to Parse. Almost like a synching function. How would I go about doing that?
Ah, I can safely say that this was my first experimentation with the map so I wasn't quite sure. Looks like it is working pretty well now.
Unfortunately I can't use height fit due to certain circumstances. Thanks for the follow up. Talk to you tomorrow.
I did as you said, and after the action has been performed, the text is still not showing up.
Just tried it and no dice.

<style name="result-text" font="TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT" size="36" lwidth="155" width="155" lxpos="465" xpos="265" alignment="right" color="#492417" fit="yes"></style>
My code has been added above.
Apparently my code didn't come through. Here it is:

<text name="estimated-yield-field" alias="ESTIMATED-YIELD" style="result-text" height="fit" fit="yes" ypos="5" text="0"></text>