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timed is not required, so you can just omit that attribute.

If you have X-Code installed on your machine, then you can use an app called "Instruments." Make sure your device is connected and launch Instruments. Select "Activity Monitor" and you'll be able to watch the memory usage as you go through the app.

You should be able to use the attribute fitheight="yes" on the panel containing the variable height text fields. This will then size that panel to the correct height based on the height of all of its children. Just be sure to use fitheight="yes" for all panels in the object that you're using within the class. Here's an example of how we're using it for one of our apps:

<class name="toc-item-culture">
<panel name="toc-[param:page]" width="100%" fitheight="yes" _page="[eval: [param:index] + 2]" onclickup="goto" padding-bottom="25" >
<panel name="info" width="100%" fitheight="yes" bottomof="img" padding="11" >
<image name="img" source="issue/[datasource:article.[param:index].imageTOC]" width="70"></image>
<text name="rubric" width="100%" height="fit" xpos="80" color="#ff0000" font="TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT" size="15" alignment="left" text="[datasource:article.[param:index].rubric]"></text>
<text name="hed" width="75%" height="fit" bottomof="rubric" xpos="80" color="#000000" font="TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT" size="20" alignment="left" text="[datasource:article.[param:index].hed]"></text>
<text name="dek" width="75%" height="fit" bottomof="hed" xpos="80" color="#000000" font="TimesNewRomanPSMT" size="15" alignment="left" text="[datasource:article.[param:index].dekTOC]"></text>
<text name="by" width="75%" height="[eval: '[datasource:article.[param:index].byline]' != '' ? 'fit':'0']" bottomof="dek" xpos="80" color="#000000" font="TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT" size="14" alignment="left" text="By [datasource:article.[param:index].byline]"></text>

You'll notice that this has a main panel, a child panel that contains an image and three text fields. The image and text fields will be dynamically sized based on content, so we put fitheight="yes" on the main panel and the secondary panel.

One note, there was a bug in earlier versions of our engine which kept fitheight from working as expected, so it's currently only supported in version 1.4. You should be able to see this in the most current version of Fusebox.
There is a snippet of a texttemplate on the tutorials page: https://studio.rarewire.com/wordpress... it will require that you create the HTML yourself for the bios.

As for a pager, you can use an object property called 'page' to determine the page of the pager you are currently on. So if your pager is set to paginate, then you can run an action that has a series of if statements which say:

<action name="click-yes">
<if lhs="[object:PAGERALIAS.page]" operator="eq" rhs="1">
<alert message="Good Job">
<if lhs="[object:PAGERALIAS.page]" operator="eq" rhs="2">
<alert message="Bad Choice">
<action name="click-no">
<if lhs="[object:PAGERALIAS.page]" operator="eq" rhs="1">
<alert message="Bad Choice">
<if lhs="[object:PAGERALIAS.page]" operator="eq" rhs="2">
<alert message="Good Job">