
Getting Started with Flurry

sovtek 12 years ago updated by mlong 12 years ago 4
Hey Ian, I am beginning the implementation of Flurry and have a few questions.

1. Should the files libFlurry.a and Flurry.h be placed in the root of my directory or within /Flurry?

2. Other than adding the files to my directory, and then wrapping my code within the below, is there anything else I need to do on my rarewire end?

#import "Flurry.h"
- (BOOL) application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions

[Flurry startSession:@"46F3NQB92RRZZ4HZ979S"];

3. On the flurry site, the implementation instructions state that I have to do the following. How does this translate to rarewire? Is SystemConfiguration.framework already added?

- In the finder, drag Flurry/ into project's file folder. (NOTE: If you are upgrading the Flurry iOS SDK, be sure to remove any existing Flurry library folders from your project's file folder before proceeding.)
- Now add it to your project: File > Add Files to "YOUR PROJECT"
- Add SystemConfiguration.framework to your app. This is required for Reachability to manage network operations efficiently.
- In your Application Delegate: Import Flurry and inside "applicationDidFinishLaunching:" add: [Flurry startSession:@"YOUR_API_KEY"];
The only thing you should have to do is sign up for Flurry and create a new Application. Then go to Manage>App Info and capture the API key.

You will then go into your app project in the App Creation Studio and within the Wire Editor go to Settings>API settings and enter in your flurry api key.

Then in your wire you will create analytics tags. Place them on any action you want to capture.

<analytics action=”logevent” timed=”start” event=”nameofevent”/>

Action= should always be "logevent" for Flurry and event names can be anything you want, this is what will show up in your Flurry dashboard.


As long as the API key is there, Flurry will auto generate the events from your analytics tag if they do not exist yet.
Great, thanks Ian!
So if it doesn't need to be a timed log, then I can simply write:

<analytics action="logevent" timed="" event="loadedStoryFromTOC" />

timed is not required, so you can just omit that attribute.