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No. The status bar has been set to those settings since I made my first build over a month ago.
That is what I thought, but it doesn't seem to be appearing for me.

The app ID is 11357.
Yes I have saved it and taken a snap shot as I would any other process.

Is there a tag that is supposed to render the status bar? I guess I don't know how this would get placed on a background of the same color.
As far as I can tell, this isn't working for me. I to be able to get the value of the textfield with the line breaks intact, show a preview of it in a web view so the user can review what the email will look like, then send it with mandrill. So with that said, the line breaks need to be <br />
Yep this worked. Instead of using a regex to remove the comma, I just wrapped it within an if statement like so:

<if lhs="[var:contacts-to-upload]" operator="ne" rhs="">
	<assign property="var:contacts-to-upload" value="[var:contacts-to-upload],[datasource:updatedContactStorage.[var:contacts-index].dataSourceResultContent]" />
		<assign property="var:contacts-to-upload" value="[datasource:updatedContactStorage.[var:contacts-index].dataSourceResultContent]" />
Just to follow up with this, Ian gave me this solution. This is because of how Parse has to have items url encoded:

<action name="sync-contacts">
	<assign property="var:params" value="where={"user":"[preferences:current-user]"}" encoding="url"/>
	<assign property="datasource:parseSyncDown.source" value="[var:params]&order=lastName,priority&limit=500" />
	<alpha target="WAITING" value="1" time=".1" />
The quotes within the 'value' need to be swapped out with: &quot;
Ok, I swear I tried that, but it looks like it's working now. Thanks for your patience.
Makes sense, however I am still getting the same results as I was before. As far as I can tell, nothing is changing. The JSON response looks like this:

	"code": "101",
	"error": "invalid credentials"
and this is my action:
<action name="sign-in" datasource="parseLogin" datasourceevent="querycomplete">
	<assign property="datasource:parseLogin.removeIndex" value="1" />
	<alert message="[datasource:parseLogin.code]" />
and what I am trying to do is get the code.
Ok I understand what the purpose of removing the index. However what does the assign with the value of 3 do? I am still trying to access the response code that Parse sends back when you are logging in.