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Ok. Build succeded. Thanks.
Changed the name. Again an Unknown Error. Thanks again for the answers. Hope to resolve.
I putted the icons and the splash screen images.
Thanks I will try. This is my first app with Rarewire. :)
ios build. app #4069. Thanks for the answer.
It doesn't work. I'll explore more tomorrow. Thanks.

Final action code:

<action name="start" oninit="yes">
<assign property="var:page1" value="1"/>

<action name="sound1">
<sound action="play" source="other/arpa" type="mp3" />

<action name="page1">
<if lhs="[var:page1]" operator="e" rhs="1">
<sound action="stop" source="other/arpa" type="mp3" />
<assign property="var:page1" value="0"/>

<action name="soundstop">
<sound action="stop" source="other/arpa" type="mp3" />

And the pages code...

<panel name="arpa" alias="ARPA" clip="yes" width="100%" height="100%" alpha="1" onscrollto="sound1" onpage="1"> </panel>
<panel name="panel1_2" width="50" height="50" xpos="53" ypos="672" onpage="2" onscrollto="page1" onclick="crediti" clicktarget="IMGVIEWER0" _file="graphics/crediti_page.png"> </panel>
<panel name="panel2_2" width="50" height="50" xpos="924" ypos="672" onpage="2" onclick="aiuto" clicktarget="IMGVIEWER0" _file="graphics/help_page.png"> </panel>
<panel name="panel1_3" width="50" height="50" xpos="36" ypos="90" onpage="3" onscrollto="page1" onclick="testo" clicktarget="IMGVIEWER" _file="graphics/testi/annunciazione.png"> </panel>
<panel name="panel1_4" width="50" height="50" xpos="36" ypos="90" onpage="4" onscrollto="page1" onclick="testo" clicktarget="IMGVIEWER" _file="graphics/testi/nascita.png"> </panel>
<panel name="panel1_5" width="50" height="50" xpos="36" ypos="90" onpage="5" onscrollto="page1" onclick="testo" clicktarget="IMGVIEWER" _file="graphics/testi/magi.png"> </panel>
<panel name="panel1_6" width="50" height="50" xpos="940" ypos="90" onpage="6" onscrollto="page1" onclick="testo" clicktarget="IMGVIEWER" _file="graphics/testi/battesimo.png"> </panel>
Thank you Ian but the sound stop and start again. Maybe is the action construction?

I've putted the onscrollto in every pages.

Here is the action. When I scroll away from page one the sound stop but after one secodn it restart...

<action name="start" oninit="yes">
<assign property="var:page1" value="1"/>
<play action="sound1" />

<action name="sound1">
<sound action="play" source="other/arpa" type="mp3" />

<action name="page1">
<if lhs="[var:page1]" operator="e" rhs="1">
<action name="soundstop">
<sound action="stop" source="other/arpa" type="mp3" />
<assign property="var:page1" value="0"/>

<action name="soundstop">
<sound action="stop" source="other/arpa" type="mp3" />

Hi thanks for the answer but I dont understand very well.
Why I have to put the alert on the pages?

<panel name="arpa" alias="ARPA" clip="yes" width="100%" height="100%" alpha="1" onpage="1" onscrollaway="start" _alert="1" > </panel>

In the action I putted

<action name="start" oninit="yes">
<assign property="var:page1" value="1"/>
<play action="sound1" />

<action name="sound1">
<sound action="play" source="other/arpa" type="mp3" />

<action name="page1">
<if lhs="[var:page1]" operator="e" rhs="1">
<action name="soundstop">
<sound action="stop" source="other/arpa" type="mp3" />
<assign property="var:page1" value="0"/>

<action name="soundstop">
<sound action="stop" source="other/arpa" type="mp3" />

Doesn't work :(
So we have to add bounces="yes" n the scroll page action like this?

<action name="page">
<scroll page="_page" animated="yes" bounces="yes"/>
Solved. Some problems on the target. :) I assigned the right target on the action "testo".

<load source="_file" target="TESTOIMG" />

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