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11 років тому
Oh I see. Let's go the other way. Make your target this: target="../.."
Likely the issue lies in your target path in your close action within the issue1.wire. Try making your target "../../.."
The main issue here is timing. The way you have it written the variable is not created fast enough since your panels are also created oninit. To combat this, you can create the circle in your action using a class like this:
<wire> <classes> <class name="circle"> <panel name="circle" alias="CIRCLE" height="100%" width="[param:width]" background="#0000ff" align="center" tofront="yes" cornerradius="[eval: [param:width] / 2]"></panel> </class> </classes> <main> <panel name="main" alias="MAIN" width="100%" height="100%"> <panel name="rectangle" alias="REC" width="40%" height="15%" background="#ff0000" align="center" valign="center"> </panel> </panel> </main> <actions> <action name="setvars" oninit="yes"> <assign property="var:width" value="[object:REC.height]"/> <create class="circle" width="[var:width]" target="REC"/> </action> </actions> </wire>
Check out the documentation for the load tag. by adding external="yes" to a load tag that is loading a resident file of a certain type, the open in menu will display with app the user has installed that are capable of opening that file or url.
Web links are better served by using the safari- prefix for a url using the same load tag.
Web links are better served by using the safari- prefix for a url using the same load tag.
Are you trying to accomplish this for iOS or Android?
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