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You could do it this way, but you would still need to trigger the "set-variable" action using the button panel. If your goal is just organizing or finding an easier way to find the video file, then one could argue this is the way to go.
Object Variables (or underscore variables) are used as one-way roads to send unique information from an object to an action. The object that is triggering the action wanting the information is where you need to define the object variable.
This is why the _file is placed on the panel that triggers the video action. The video tag itself is merely a shell to play the video and is not triggering the videocontrol action at all, so it wouldn't make sense to store the name of the video there. You could always explicitly name the video inside of the videocontrol tag and not use an object variable, but then you would need multiple actions to define more than one video file.
This is why the _file is placed on the panel that triggers the video action. The video tag itself is merely a shell to play the video and is not triggering the videocontrol action at all, so it wouldn't make sense to store the name of the video there. You could always explicitly name the video inside of the videocontrol tag and not use an object variable, but then you would need multiple actions to define more than one video file.
If you wanted it across a single panel, you would have to use an image of a gradient as a child.
If you wanted to create a more static effect, you could use several panels of various colors and then place an object on top of them. Here is a handy site that can help establish the hex codes:
If you wanted to create a more static effect, you could use several panels of various colors and then place an object on top of them. Here is a handy site that can help establish the hex codes:
Also check out this blog post for some insight:
I will log feature requests for these.
It hasn't been completed yet, but I will notate it and see where it is in the queue.
This is a known bug for height="fit" in styles. We have it in our bug tracking system.
You could try leaving height="fit" on your text object and shifting everything else to your style.
This is a known bug for height="fit" in styles. We have it in our bug tracking system.
You could try leaving height="fit" on your text object and shifting everything else to your style.
This is than likely happening because of the size of the image in pixels. Are you intending to use such a large image for scrolling reasons? If not resize your image to fit the tablet/phone screen you are designing for.
If you are creating the HTML yourself, you should consider using a texttemplate , which will help you style the content and prevent it from zooming.
<datasource name="amazon" source="" query="//item" providertype="xml" parsenamespace="yes" />
<texttemplate name="reader" ><![CDATA[
<html><head><meta content="width=100%, minimum-scale=1,
maximum-scale=1, initial-scale=1" name="viewport">
<style> body{width:80%;margin:0
20px 50px 10px;} h1
solid #bbb;border-bottom:1px solid #bbb;padding:5px 0px;} h3
span{white-space:nowrap;font-style:italic;} p {text-align:justify;}img
{max-width:100% !important;} a {color:#444444;border-bottom:1px solid
#b2372c;text-decoration:none;} img {display:block;margin:0
auto;margin-bottom:25px;} span.image-rss {display:none;} </style>
<h2>Line 1</h2>
<h1>Line 2</h1>
<h3> <span>Line 3</span> </h3>
<panel name="content3" alias="CONTENT3" width="100%" height="100%" valign="bottom" align="center">
<web name="textgoeshere" alias="TEXTGOES" width="460" height="800" align="center" ypos="20" html="" pagetofit="yes" transparent="yes"></web>
<action name="assignContent" datasource="amazon" datasourceevent="querycomplete">
<assign property="var:content" value="[datasource:amazon.1.*[local-name()='description']]" />
<alert message="[var:content]" />
<assign property="object:TEXTGOES.html" value="[template:reader.content]" />
Customer support service by UserEcho
<action name="run" oninit="yes">
<!--run some actions-->