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Let me know if you have any other questions:
<wire> <datasources> <datasource name="field-list" source="" query="/" providertype="json"/> </datasources> <classes> <class name="article-list-item"> <panel name="article-[param:dataSourceIndex]" width="95%" height="20%" lheight="25%" _name="[param:text]" _dataSourceIndex="[param:dataSourceIndex]" align="center" background="#ff0000" bordercolor="00ee00" borderwidth="3"> <text name="headline" width="100%" height="50%" color="#ffffff" font="helvetica" size="18" align="center" valign="top" alignment="center" text="[param:text]"></text> </panel> </class> </classes> <main> <panel name="bg" width="100%" height="100%"> <panel name="list-container" width="100%" lwidth="95%" height="100%" align="center" clip="yes"> <list name="list" datasource="field-list" width="102%" lwidth="102%" height="100%" align="center" orientation="vertical" paginate="no"> <object class="article-list-item" dataSourceIndex="[param:dataSourceIndex]" text="[param:value]" /> </list> </panel> </panel> </main> <actions> <action name="oninit" oninit="yes"> <play action="add"></play> </action> <action name="complete" datasource="field-list"> <alert message="[datasource:field-list.1.value] \\ [datasource:field-list.2.value] \\ [datasource:field-list.3.value]"/> <play action="concatonate" /> </action> <!-- This action is acting as the tool to add elements to a locally stored json file--> <action name="add"> <sync> <assign property="var:counter" value="0" /> <!-- The loop allows us to add more elements to the json faster--> <loop lhs="[var:counter]" operator="lt" rhs="10"> <assign property="datasource:field-list.add" value='{"name":"param","value":"value[var:counter]"}'/> <assign property="var:counter" value="[js:[var:counter]+1]" /> </loop> <!--Trigger a querycomplete to them compile the contents to send somewhere else--> <assign property="datasource:field-list.event" value="querycomplete"/> </sync> </action> <!--This action will capture the counter value from the json and concatonate a comma separated list. You probably will need to do some regex or something to remove the first comma.--> <action name="concatonate" > <sync> <assign property="var:allthestuff" value="" /> <assign property="var:counter" value="0" /> <loop lhs="[var:counter]" operator="lte" rhs="[datasource:field-list.dataSourceResultCount]"> <assign property="var:allthestuff" value="[var:allthestuff],[datasource:field-list.[var:counter].value]"/> <assign property="var:counter" value="[js:[var:counter]+1]" /> </loop> <!--Use this final var to send as a postcontent through your REST API--> <alert message="[var:allthestuff]"/> </sync> </action> </actions> </wire>
Let me work up an example for you to look at.
Let me work up an example for you to look at.
I do not believe so, I will double check. You can control that using css in a richtext tag if you want it to change.
Wonderful. Let me know if you run into any issues.
That looks correct. Did you place this JS function in a file called functions.html at the root of your project? This is required for custom functions like this.
That looks correct. Did you place this JS function in a file called functions.html at the root of your project? This is required for custom functions like this.
Short on an actual URL, I took the original URL at the top, which contained one error entry and threw it into your code. I will highlight a few errors you had.
For starters, you did not have params set for the text objects in your class, this is what the datasource uses to replace the data.
Second, you didn't have a class defined in your object tag to populate. Once these were in place, I added a querycomplete action to confirm that the datasource was getting polled properly and then adjusted the query on the datasource tag for this data feed. Then I was able to get data back. Once I see your URL, I can adjust this example to work with your feed. It usually comes down to the query and pathing to the right portion of the feed you want to pull in.
For starters, you did not have params set for the text objects in your class, this is what the datasource uses to replace the data.
Second, you didn't have a class defined in your object tag to populate. Once these were in place, I added a querycomplete action to confirm that the datasource was getting polled properly and then adjusted the query on the datasource tag for this data feed. Then I was able to get data back. Once I see your URL, I can adjust this example to work with your feed. It usually comes down to the query and pathing to the right portion of the feed you want to pull in.
<wire> <datasources> <datasource name="default" source="" providertype="json" query="/" parsenamespace="yes"></datasource> </datasources> <classes> <class name="jsonList"> <panel name="[param:dataSourceIndex]" width="95%" height="20%" lheight="25%" dataSourceIndex="[param:dataSourceIndex]" align="center" background="#ff0000" bordercolor="00ee00" borderwidth="3"> <text name="merchant" width="100%" height="50%" color="#eeeeee" font="helvetica" size="20" align="center" valign="top" alignment="center" text="[param:headline]"></text> <text name="clip" width="90%" height="50%" color="#eeeeee" font="helvetica" size="15" align="center" valign="bottom" alignment="center" text="[param:author]"></text> </panel> </class> </classes> <main> <panel name="main" width="100%" height="100%" background="#ffffff"> <list name="json-results" datasource="default" width="85%" height="100%" align="center" orientation="vertical" paginate="no"> <object class="jsonList" dataSourceIndex="[ds:dataSourceIndex]" headline="[ds:msg]" author="[ds:page_size]"></object> </list> </panel> </main> <actions> <action name="on" oninit="yes"> <assign property="datasource:default.source" value="http://school.bitspayment.com/search_action/search_organization/1406863032/myapitestuserlatch/955b85e721749d8f3043898bb1691da0cea20f877528fa6776860f632dbb2ee5/%20/37.641654/-118.964568/0/10" /> </action> <action name="complete" datasource="default" datasourceevent="querycomplete"> <alert message="[datasource:default.0.content]"/> </action> </actions> </wire>
If there is a compatible app, Android should have a similar open modal appear.
I would love to troubleshoot this, the URL in your action cut off when you posted it, can you post it again as text?
I would love to troubleshoot this, the URL in your action cut off when you posted it, can you post it again as text?
Thanks for the post. I understand not wanting to dig through documentation for something specific, but when learning a new language such as WIRE, it isn't a bad idea to get acquainted with the basics.
I would encourage you to look at this snippet for a basic JSON implementation: https://files.rarewire.com/wordpress/2013/05/json-...
Also you should watch this video on how to set up an integration with a json feed that allows you to modify the url to get different info: http://player.vimeo.com/video/62367352
As for your has value needing to change based on user, if you can pull that value from another source, you can set it as a variable and plug it in to the URL like this:
<assign property="var:hash" value="12121212" />
<assign property="datasource:feed.source" value="http://school.bitspayment.com/search_action/search..." />
Thanks for the post. I understand not wanting to dig through documentation for something specific, but when learning a new language such as WIRE, it isn't a bad idea to get acquainted with the basics.
I would encourage you to look at this snippet for a basic JSON implementation: https://files.rarewire.com/wordpress/2013/05/json-...
Also you should watch this video on how to set up an integration with a json feed that allows you to modify the url to get different info: http://player.vimeo.com/video/62367352
As for your has value needing to change based on user, if you can pull that value from another source, you can set it as a variable and plug it in to the URL like this:
<assign property="var:hash" value="12121212" />
<assign property="datasource:feed.source" value="http://school.bitspayment.com/search_action/search..." />
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