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This will reduce the time for the initial download of the App from the App Store however you want to test this on both retina and non-retina devices to ensure the images still look okay on all resolutions.
hace 12 años
Move your onquerycomplete attribute to the action tag
<action name="ActionLogin" datasource="twitter-login" datasourceevent="onquerycomplete">
<alert message="tried login "/>
Try this code:
Try this code:
<class name="blank">
<panel name="touch" width="99%" height="25%" xpos="[param:x]" ypos="[param:y]" draggable="yes" dragorientation="horizontal" ondrop="delete" onmove="create" ></panel>
<panel name="main" alias="MAIN" width="100%" height="100%" background="0000ff">
<panel name="0" width="25%" height="25%" xpos="10%" background="ff0000" onhover="alpha"></panel>
<panel name="2" width="25%" height="25%" background="ff00ff" rightof="0" onhover="alpha2"></panel>
<panel name="3" width="25%" height="25%" background="00ff00" rightof="2" onhover="alpha3"></panel>
<action name="create" oninit="yes">
<create class="blank" x="_RW-touchedx" y="_RW-touchedy" target="MAIN"/>
<action name="alpha">
<sync loop="no" startdelay="0">
<alpha value="0" time="1" />
<alpha value="1" time="1" />
<action name="alpha2">
<sync loop="no" startdelay="0">
<alpha value="0" time="1" />
<alpha value="1" time="1" />
<action name="alpha3">
<sync loop="no" startdelay="0">
<alpha value="0" time="1" />
<alpha value="1" time="1" />
<action name="delete">
yes, it is on the lab page under Oct. 30th
If you add twitter into your App, our Engine will look for iOS integrated authentication first before it falls back on the standard manual solution we offered before. So really there is no auth that you need to write into the WIRE code, only the twitter datasource solutions.
At this time, it will only auto select the twitter account at the top of the list within iOS settings. This will be enhanced in the future.
At this time, it will only auto select the twitter account at the top of the list within iOS settings. This will be enhanced in the future.
So the action target is based off the object the action is triggered from. So you need to come out of that object (../) and then move up to the root and onto main.wire. you might need a few extra paths depending on where your pager is.
Ok then disregard my last comment.
Depending on your setup, you may just try updating the target to ../../.. and try again. Sometimes there is an extra layer that I miss.
Depending on your setup, you may just try updating the target to ../../.. and try again. Sometimes there is an extra layer that I miss.
You could use the onscrollto and then wrap the action in a sync block and add a delay to it? If you set it to 30 seconds or something then they would have a limited amount of time on the last page before the subwire closed. Might meet your needs.
I think I understand what you are trying to do.
Unfortunately, you can use the play tag to play main.wire actions from subwires, just not the other way around.
Unfortunately, you can use the play tag to play main.wire actions from subwires, just not the other way around.
<action name="swapTab">
<assign property="object:MENUTABIMG.source" value="graphics/menuTab_lowpro.png"/>
<play action="launch-posts" superwire="yes" target="../.." />
<action name="launch-posts">
<load file="_wire" wirename="_wirename" target="POSTVIEW" />
<alpha value="1" time=".5" target="POSTVIEW" />
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