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In the tutorial, the image is embedded in the description tag of the datasource. If yours is separate, you can just copy the image tag above and place it above the other content inside of the panel also coming from a datasource. In this case a class combined with a list tag is going to come in handy.
vor 12 Jahren
Ok. So let's start over and explain now this works on two levels.
The first is our current implementation that breaks down the values to make it easy to identify:
You see here that we are calling out:
a datasource tag (datasource="rsstest")
an index # (datasourceindex="1" )
a property (datasourcemappingproperty="text" ) which represents the attribute you are trying to populate within the object. In this example we want to populate the text value for a text tag.
a value (datasourcemappingvalue="dc:creator" ). This is the node in the datasource feed that is contained in the query you have in your datasource. Since we have parsenamespaces set to yes, we don't need the namespace.
Alternatively, you can use the older method, which is in the tutorial you are looking at:
Here we aren't splitting up the property and value, but rather are merging them into the value for datasourcemapping. 'text' represents the attribute we want to populate and dc:creator represents the node from the datasource.
In short (ha) you should be able to use:
In your example the URL is taking the place of 'source' for the image.
The first is our current implementation that breaks down the values to make it easy to identify:
<datasource name="rsstest" source="http://www.engadget.com/rss.xml" parsenamespaces="yes" providertype="xml" query="//item" /> ....... <text name="text" height="100%" width="100%" font="arial" size="16" color="ffffff" datasource="rsstest" datasourceindex="1" datasourcemappingproperty="text" datasourcemappingvalue="dc:creator" background="ff0000"></text>
You see here that we are calling out:
a datasource tag (datasource="rsstest")
an index # (datasourceindex="1" )
a property (datasourcemappingproperty="text" ) which represents the attribute you are trying to populate within the object. In this example we want to populate the text value for a text tag.
a value (datasourcemappingvalue="dc:creator" ). This is the node in the datasource feed that is contained in the query you have in your datasource. Since we have parsenamespaces set to yes, we don't need the namespace.
Alternatively, you can use the older method, which is in the tutorial you are looking at:
<datasource name="rsstest" source="http://www.engadget.com/rss.xml" parsenamespaces="yes" providertype="xml" query="//item" /> ....... <text name="text" height="100%" width="100%" font="arial" size="16" color="ffffff" datasource="rsstest" datasourcemapping="text=dc:creator" background="ff0000"></text>
Here we aren't splitting up the property and value, but rather are merging them into the value for datasourcemapping. 'text' represents the attribute we want to populate and dc:creator represents the node from the datasource.
In short (ha) you should be able to use:
<datasource name="rsstest" source="http://www.mydomain.com/myfeed.xml" providertype="xml" parsenamespaces="yes" query="//item" /> <image name="background" alias="BACKGROUND" width="100%" height="100%" background="#000000" datasource="rsstest" datasourcemapping="url=g:image_link" />
In your example the URL is taking the place of 'source' for the image.
Without seeing your datasource I can only guess on the direct node and names to use.
Try using datasourcemapping="//*[local-name()='g:image_link']"
The only way to truly test an iPhone app is on an iPhone, you get the true memory capabilities, etc.
however if you build an Ad-Hoc IPA (Apple Developer Account Required) and install it on your ipad, if your App Settings are marked for iPhone only, then the app will load in a iPhone sized panel on the device.
Additionally, If you wanted to replicate this experience within fusebox, you can just create a wrapper panel in WIRE that is a hard pixel value for the dimensions of the iPhone device you are building for. This wrapper should always be at the root of your WIRE and then you can design and run it in that size on the ipad. When you are ready to publish, just remove the wrapper and test with an Ad-Hoc.
however if you build an Ad-Hoc IPA (Apple Developer Account Required) and install it on your ipad, if your App Settings are marked for iPhone only, then the app will load in a iPhone sized panel on the device.
Additionally, If you wanted to replicate this experience within fusebox, you can just create a wrapper panel in WIRE that is a hard pixel value for the dimensions of the iPhone device you are building for. This wrapper should always be at the root of your WIRE and then you can design and run it in that size on the ipad. When you are ready to publish, just remove the wrapper and test with an Ad-Hoc.
You can check out this tutorial for a working example of a JSON feed:
You can do this pretty easily using the "page" object property of the pager.
You action will need to look something like this:
You action will need to look something like this:
<action name="tombstone" >
<assign property="object:PAGER.page" value="[var:page]" />
<if lhs="[var:page]" operator="e" rhs="1">
<alert title="CORRECT!" message="You are right. Page 1 Image Name is Dead. "/>
<assign property="var:total" value="[eval: [var:total]+1]" />
<action name="cake" >
<assign property="object:PAGER.page" value="[var:page]" />
<if lhs="[var:page]" operator="e" rhs="1">
<alert title="INCORRECT!" message="You are wrong. Page 1 Image Name is Alive. "/>
Try assigning the code value as a variable first and then using that in your if statement queries.
For example:
For example:
<assign property="var:code" value="[datasource:RSSFeed.*[local-name()='condition']/@code]" />
<if lhs="[var:code]" operator="e" rhs="02">
<videocontrol type="play" file="video/Gillham.mp4" target="VID-FRAME" />
<if lhs="[var:code]" operator="e" rhs="03">
<videocontrol type="play" file="video/CrownCenter.mp4" target="VID-FRAME" />
Can you wrap your examples in a < code > block so I can see them?
good to hear, I did not get the invite, my email is icahill@rarewire.com :)
Looking forward to seeing it.
Looking forward to seeing it.
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