Uw opmerkingen

That is exactly what it reads, for some reason the copy and paste did not paste the params.
Sorry tried that, still does not action that item.

<class name="checklist">
<panel name="chore" xpos="0%" ypos="0%" height="12%" width="100%" borderwidth="1" bordercolor="black" _choretxt="" onswiperight="lineout">
<text name="choretxt" alias="CHORETXT" text="" font="HelveticaNeue-bold" color="#000000" size="28" width="82%" xpos="18%" height="fit" valign="center" alignment="left"/>
<image name="icon" source="" height="90%" width="17%" valign="center" align="left" contain="yes" ></image>
<panel name="lineout-" alias="LINEOUT-" dsindex="" width="75%" height="3" xpos="20%" valign="center" background="#000000" alpha="0"></panel>

<list name="checklist" width="100%" height="75%" datasource="checklist5-items" orientation="vertical" paginate="no" ypos="10%" alpha="1">
<object name="item" choretxt="" icon="" dataSourceIndex="[param:dataSourceIndex]"/>

<action name="lineout">
<alert message="" />
<alpha time=".25" value="1" target="LINEOUT-[param:dataSourceIndex"/>

I guess I didnt explain it very well at all.  I dont want to delete the item from the database.  It is a locally created sql db.  I just want to run a line through the text, basically annotating that the item was completed.
applicable code below.

sorry and thanks ian.


<class name="checklist">
<panel name="chore" xpos="0%" ypos="0%" height="12%" width="100%" borderwidth="1" bordercolor="black" _choretxt="" onswiperight="lineout">
<text name="choretxt" alias="CHORETXT" text="" font="HelveticaNeue-bold" color="#000000" size="28" width="82%" xpos="18%" height="fit" valign="center" alignment="left"/>
<image name="icon" source="" height="90%" width="17%" valign="center" align="left" contain="yes" ></image>
<panel name="lineout" alias="LINEOUT" width="75%" height="3" xpos="20%" valign="center" background="#000000" alpha="0"></panel>

<list name="checklist" width="100%" height="75%" datasource="checklist5-items" orientation="vertical" paginate="no" ypos="10%" alpha="1">
<object name="item" choretxt="" icon=""/>

<action name="lineout">
<alert message="choretxt"/>
<if lhs="test" operator="e" rhs="_choretxt">
<alpha time=".25" value="1" target="LINEOUT"/>


Should I tell the student to pursue other options with regard to bluetooth?
Ian and John,
Creating a homework app and I want to do an eval to calculate current date - due date and lets say if its less than 1 day, it changes background to red, between 2 and 3 days it changes color to yellow and greater than or equal to 4 its green. Is there a JS calculator to subtract dates, using the default format of yyyy-mm-dd.
That is exactly what I tried. I did get it to work converting the form to a class and then creating it, filling it out and on return, deleting it. Thanks, I think this will be more efficient and we will use this same form for multiple subjects. Thanks for making me figure out the DB thing, helped a lot in understanding how it works to have to go through it painfully.

Next question, when I write to the database it does not sort, but I think I just figured it out while writing the question, think I need to tell it to sort in the action.
Thanks Ian, though now I feel really stupid.
Looks like every time we try to use canvas it crashes fusebox.
I would have done that but not every bpanel needs or uses a pager, so that made me nervous.
Marty had asked me to post this to the community after the advanced class last night... here is a shorter version...

<object class="bpanelweb" panelname="news" panelalias="NEWS" txtalias="NEWSTXT" xpos="66.67%" ypos="70%" textname="newstxt" text="News and Events" onclickup="events">
<panel name="events" alias="EVENTS" width="100%" height="8%" xpos="0" ypos="0" background="#BFC8C3" borderwidth="1" bordercolor="#000000" alpha="0" onclickup="home">
<image name="home" source="closeicon.png" xpos="4" valign="center" contain="yes" onclickup="home"></image>
<text name="newstxt" alias="NEWSTXT" width="100%" height="100%" font="helvetica" size="28" color="#2f3a8e" alignment="center" text="News and Events " align="center" valign="center"/>
<pager name="contents" alias="EVENTSPAGER" width="100%" height="92%" orientation="vertical" align="center" ypos="8%" paginate="no" alpha="0">
<object class="pager" rowname="row1" imgname="thumb1" source="" pagertxt="1"/>
<object class="pager" rowname="row2" imgname="thumb2" source="" pagertxt="2"/>
<object class="pager" rowname="row3" imgname="thumb3" source="" pagertxt="3"/>
<object class="pager" rowname="row4" imgname="thumb4" source="" pagertxt="4"/>
<object class="pager" rowname="row5" imgname="thumb5" source="" pagertxt="5"/>
<object class="pager" rowname="row6" imgname="thumb6" source="" pagertxt="6"/>
<object class="pager" rowname="row7" imgname="thumb7" source="" pagertxt="7"/>
<object class="pager" rowname="row8" imgname="thumb8" source="" pagertxt="8"/>
<object class="pager" rowname="row9" imgname="thumb9" source="" pagertxt="9"/>
<object class="pager" rowname="row10" imgname="thumb10" source="" pagertxt="10"/>
<object class="pager" rowname="row11" imgname="thumb11" source="" pagertxt="11"/>
<object class="pager" rowname="row12" imgname="thumb12" source="" pagertxt="12"/>
<object class="pager" rowname="row13" imgname="thumb13" source="" pagertxt="13"/>
<object class="pager" rowname="row14" imgname="thumb14" source="" pagertxt="14"/>
<object class="pager" rowname="row15" imgname="thumb15" source="" pagertxt="15"/>
<object class="pager" rowname="row16" imgname="thumb16" source="" pagertxt="16"/>
<object class="pager" rowname="row17" imgname="thumb17" source="" pagertxt="18"/>
<object class="pager" rowname="row19" imgname="thumb19" source="" pagertxt="19"/>
<object class="pager" rowname="row20" imgname="thumb20" source="" pagertxt="20"/>