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what kind of picture files does rare wire support?

snussbomb 11 ár síðan updated by icahill (Administrator) 11 ár síðan 1


Lcdrgreg 11 ár síðan updated by icahill (Administrator) 10 ár síðan 3
Is there a way to use wire to communicate with bluetooth devices. Building an app that will be used to scout at robotics competitions and bluetooth is the most reliable wireless communication available at those events.

Setting the non-current time to a datepicker object

sstava 11 ár síðan updated by icahill (Administrator) 11 ár síðan 1
I have been avoiding asking this question because it seems like it should be pretty straightforward and I try to limit my "dumb" questions :)

Seeing as I haven't figured it out, I am giving in and I'm going to ask:

What is the syntax for assigning a time to a datepicker object?

I need to edit an existing timeslot (time only, no date) that is defined in my app. I want to initialize my datepicker object in the "edit timeslot" screen to be the existing timeslot's time (not the current time).

Including a variable in an Alert string.

Luska72 11 ár síðan updated by icahill (Administrator) 11 ár síðan 1
What is the best way to add an existing variable into a string(concatenation)? An example of what I am trying to achieve would be:

<alert title="yPos!" message="object:PANEL1.ypos"/>.

The goal is to make the position pop up, not actual text in the string.

I can't get iOS push notifications to work

sstava 11 ár síðan Uppfært 11 ár síðan 2
Struggling with the setup for iOS push notifications. I have done what should be the correct setup (followed the instructions).

I have also added the push datasource and action from the rarewire push tutorial.

I have added the push .p12 file to the push tab for my app. The green check box says I have done that correctly.

I have successfully re-built the adhoc build and installed the new .ipa on my iphone 5.

I have filled out the message, badge # and message record in the push screen on the rarewire site and sent the message.

Nothing happens and I am not sure where to look or what to look for to figure out what I did wrong, short of just redoing the process I just went through.


Newsstand Icon not updating with new ipa

sovtek 11 ár síðan Uppfært 11 ár síðan 6
I installed my Ad-Hoc successfully as a newsstand item, but the first time around i created an app Icon. So I created a new Ad-Hoc, with an updated newsstand icon that looks like the cover of a magazine. I installed it on my iPad successfully. I can see the changes in-app that I made. But, the newsstand icon has not changed to my new one. Is there anything in particular I can do to solve this? Is my ipad somehow saving the old icon? It is still appearing as my old app icon.

Also, fyi, the binding location and type within Platform settings seems to not save.

Ad-Hoc Build cutting off at bottom.

sovtek 11 ár síðan Uppfært 11 ár síðan 3
It seems as if the Ad-Hoc version of my app is getting cut off at the bottom, and there's also a strange margin to the right. My dimensions are set to 100% x 100%. It looks like it could be because within the Ad-Hoc version, the top iPad time/battery life status bar may be pushing it down. Is there something I have to do on my end to compensate for this bottom being cut off? And this right margin?

Note: I built it as a newsstand app.

Fusebox App (correct)

Ad-Hoc Build (incorrect)


Ad-Hoc building down?

sovtek 11 ár síðan updated by icahill (Administrator) 11 ár síðan 16
Is ad-hoc building down right now? I tried to click "Build", and it goes to a blank white screen with the url https://studio.rarewire.com/app/6078/...

using a textfield's text to update my db with a tweet - encoding issues with apostrophes

sstava 11 ár síðan updated by icahill (Administrator) 11 ár síðan 16
I have a need to update the text of a tweet in my app and make a JSON server call to store the updated tweet text on the server (parse.com).

Everything works fine until there is an apostrophe in the tweet text.

I have to use an eval with JSON.stringify to escape the quotes that could be in the tweet otherwise my JSON postContent to parse.com will be invalid.

The problem is that you have to use apostrophes to wrap the textfield value as the parameter to the JSON.stringify function call. When you use the apostrophes and their is an apostrophe in the text value of the textfield, you get an empty string for results.

I hope I am missing something obvious, but right now it seems like a catch-22 situation.

<texttemplate name="updateTweetTextTemplate"><![CDATA[
"requests": [
"method": "PUT",
"path": "/1/classes/tweet/[var:updatetweet-objectid]",
"body": { "tweet": [var:updatetweet-text] }
<assign property="var:updatetweet-objectid" value="_objectid" />
<assign property="var:updatetweet-text" value="[eval:JSON.stringify('[object:TWEET-TO-EDIT-ENTRY-_index.text]')]" />

<assign property="datasource:parseUpdateTweetText.postContent" value="[template:updateTweetTextTemplate.content]"/>

<assign property="datasource:parseUpdateTweetText.source" value="https://api.parse.com/1/batch"/>

Any idea why I can't assign to a datasource source?

thillsman 11 ár síðan Uppfært 11 ár síðan 3
I'm working on an app that uses Parse and I'm trying to query for the first time. I've got everything working with Postman (Chrome plug-in for HTTP requests) and it's pretty straightforward. Header is correct and in place (I use it for every other datasource). The request itself is just a URL parameter like this: BASEURL?where={"userid":"XXXXX"} I've narrowed my issue down to a very specific piece of code:

<action name="oninit" oninit="yes">
<assign property="var:url" value="https://api.parse.com/1/classes/data?where=&#123;&quot;userid&quot;:&quot;cB93EZSEzN&quot;&#125;" />
<alert message="VAR: [var:url]" />
<assign property="datasource:parsecheckdata.source" value="[var:url]" />
<alert message="DS: [datasource:parsecheckdata.source]" />

My first alert looks perfect. It shows the exact URL I want to send. My second alert is blank, so I'm guessing it's not writing to the datasource source for some reason.

I'd assumed it might be the curly braces, so I replaced them with the HTML entities { and } but it's still not working. Any idea?

What event fires when focus goes to a textfield tag?

sstava 11 ár síðan Uppfært 11 ár síðan 2
I would like to slide a screen up (slightly) when the user puts the cursor in a textfield and the keyboard slides up.

The translate aspect of this is straightforward; what I can't figure out is what event fires when you put the cursor in the textfield.

I can capture the click outside of the textfield, because it is on a panel and I get the onclickup/onclick events that allow me to close the keyboard and slide the screen down.

As always, any thoughts are welcome

Android Fonts

jenifercmartin 11 ár síðan updated by icahill (Administrator) 11 ár síðan 7
What is the syntax for variations of native android fonts? I want a bold font; either Roboto or Droid will work. But, after many permutations of combing "Roboto" and "Bold", capitalized/lower case, with/without hyphen, with/without a space, nothing changes.

Attributes for android textfield

jenifercmartin 11 ár síðan updated by icahill (Administrator) 11 ár síðan 6
Can I get rid of the yellow border around the android textfield? Also, can I change the field color in the android textfield? Finally, multiline does not seem to work in the textfield. Is there a different attribute in android to get the text to wrap around in the textfield?

if statement not working in android

jenifercmartin 11 ár síðan updated by icahill (Administrator) 11 ár síðan 3
I have a couple of if statements in an app that work perfectly for iOS but are not working at all in android. The app just completely ignores the direction. Any idea why?

Twitter character counting algorithm in a WIRE app

sstava 11 ár síðan updated by icahill (Administrator) 11 ár síðan 1
I am interested in building a screen that allows me to submit a tweet to twitter. The ability to submit a tweet to twitter, on the surface, is easy and well documented in the tutorials :)

The real issue I am trying to resolve is implementing the twitter character counting algorithm into WIRE or javascript attached to WIRE.

Any thoughts on how this can be done as the characters are typed into a text field?

Thanks for your thoughts!