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How to Publish Your Android App with RareWire

icahill (Administrator) 11 lat temu 0
If you have questions about how to publish an App on Android, we now have a tutorial to walk you through the steps to create your keystore and retrieve and APK file from the App Creation Studio.

Check out the tutorial here: https://studio.rarewire.com/wordpress...

Upload images to Twitter

doug 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez icahill (Administrator) 11 lat temu 1
Hey guys. I am working on getting something together for uploading an image to Twitter using their "update_with_media" function in their api using an local image. Unfortunately I haven't exactly had any luck. Could you give me some hints and/or code samples to point me in the right direction?

How to create a scrolling time wheel?

sstava 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez icahill (Administrator) 11 lat temu 3
I need to have a user select a time. I was interested in them being able to use a scrolling time wheel, like what you see in the iOS calendar app when you create an event and choose to change the date/time.

The goal would be to allow them to pick the hour, minutes and AM/PM.

I tried to use a pager to enable the "feel" of scrolling, but couldn't figure out how to get an event to fire for the hour or minute that was in the center of the scroll wheel window when the wheel stopped. The idea of the center would be that the user could see a couple of hours above and below the center hour in the wheel as they spin through.

Any thoughts on how this can be done would be appreciated!
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Google Nexus (android) issues

sovtek 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez icahill (Administrator) 11 lat temu 3
For my app "NFL Magazine", when viewing in Nexus 7, I noticed that when I scroll through pages, it's a bit choppy. Also, when I switch orientations, it takes a few seconds even to recognize the switch.. It's not smooth at all as within my iPad. Any idea why? Is this a Fusebox for Android problem, an Android problem, on a code problem?

Interested in our new frame tool?

icahill (Administrator) 11 lat temu 0
Check out this intro page to help you get started:  http://rarewire.com/frameintro/

If you have any questions on how it works, please post to the community. We are relying on your feedback to make the tool more useful for everyone! 

Having trouble posting to Facebook

sovtek 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez icahill (Administrator) 11 lat temu 5
All is well on the UI side, but it seems my posts are not going through to Facebook. I'm guessing it's because I don't have my app filled out correctly within Facebook Developers Center.

Within the App Domain input field, am I supposed to put rarewire.com? (1.jpg attached)

Am I supposed to select "Native iOS app? If so, where do I get this bundle information? My iOS app is still in development. (2.jpg attached)


Fusebox black screen

niz91 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez icahill (Administrator) 11 lat temu 3

Sorry for my english.

I cannot get app to work in fusebox.

- I copied the code from the Magazine demo and pasted it into the wire editor.
- save it
- snapshot it

But when i run the app, i still have a black screen with the orange corner.

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Unknown error in build script

paololuk 11 lat temu zaktualizowano 11 lat temu 9
Unknown error in build script. Ad Hoc build. How to relate with this. there are no directions to go.
Z odpowiedzią

Linkedin integration

Netcor 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez icahill (Administrator) 11 lat temu 1

I have just started learning Rarewire recently and I wanted to integrate with Linkedin for sharing and signup/login purposes.?

How do I do thus?

Thank you

"Android Coming Soon"

Trawsome 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez icahill (Administrator) 11 lat temu 1
You still have "Android Coming Soon" on Pricing page of Studio

Erika Birkman blog url not active: thericab.com

Trawsome 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez icahill (Administrator) 11 lat temu 1
Erika Birkman blog url not active: thericab.com
W trakcie analizy

Some websites wont load in android webpanel?

sovtek 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez icahill (Administrator) 11 lat temu 5
I trying to load url's within a web panel, and noticed that certain sites don't load at all. I this a rarewire problem for android, or is this an android/nexus native problem?

Can anyone confirm the same results within android?

Simple test:


<web name="webBrowser" alias="WEBBROWSER" width="100%" height="95%" valign="bottom" url="http://www.oakley.com" transparent="no"></web>
<web name="webBrowser" alias="WEBBROWSER" width="100%" height="95%" valign="bottom" url="http://www.google.com" transparent="no"></web>

Doesn't Work:

<web name="webBrowser" alias="WEBBROWSER" width="100%" height="95%" valign="bottom" url="http://www.espn.com" transparent="no"></web>
<web name="webBrowser" alias="WEBBROWSER" width="100%" height="95%" valign="bottom" url="http://www.underarmor.com" transparent="no"></web>
W trakcie analizy

height="fit" with android

sovtek 11 lat temu zaktualizowano 11 lat temu 5
Ever have any issues using height="fit" within android? When viewing my app within iPad it looks as expected. When viewing in android, the text is not visible at all.

Unless there is something wrong with the code below that causes android to mess up:

<panel name="tocStoryL" width="50%" height="195" align="left" onclick="loadStoryFromTOC" clicktarget="../../MAG" _storyStartPos="[param:posL]">
<panel name="tocImgCntnr" width="35%" height="80%" xpos="5" ypos="5">
<image name="tocStoryImg" source="[param:imgSrcL]" width="100%"></image>
<panel name="tocInfo" width="58%" height="fit" align="right" rightpad="5%">
<text name="tocStoryName" width="100%" height="fit" alignment="left" rightof="tocImgCntnr" ypos="10" font="HelveticaNeue-Light" size="20" color="#FFFFFF" text="[param:nameL]" onclickup="hideToc" onclick="page" clicktarget="../../MAG" _page="[param:posL]"></text>
<text name="tocStoryInfo" width="100%" height="fit" alignment="left" rightof="tocImgCntnr" bottomof="tocStoryName" font="HelveticaNeue-Light" size="12" color="#ebebeb" text="[param:infoL]"></text>
<panel name="tocBtmInfo" width="60%" height="30" align="right" valign="bottom">
<text name="tocStoryAuthor" lwidth="290" width="180" height="30" alignment="left" font="HelveticaNeue" size="12" color="#7f7f7f" text="[param:authorL]"></text>
<text name="tocStoryPos" width="25" height="30" alignment="left" align="right" font="HelveticaNeue" size="12" color="#7f7f7f" text="[param:posL]"></text>

Z odpowiedzią

Initial Android testing of an existing WIRE app...Need some direction

sstava 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez icahill (Administrator) 11 lat temu 5
I have an existing WIRE app that I need to run on Android, as well as iOS. I am at the beginning of my efforts to test my existing app on an Android device.

I have read the Android FAQ and am not using any tags that aren't compatible for both iOS and Android. I have also moved my texttemplates into the "main" tag

I am looking for some advice on how to best start the debugging process. Regrettably, when I try to launch the app from a Samsung S4 running Fusebox 0.6 Beta I get a message that says "Unfortunately, fusebox has stopped."

Before I go through the process of commenting out code to get the app to come up in some fashion (I have about 1,750 lines to deal with) I thought I would look for some debugging advice from the community

Thanks for any direction you may have!
W trakcie analizy

Fusebox with Google Nexus. Taking snapshot just spins.

sovtek 11 lat temu zaktualizowano 11 lat temu 3
Just wanted to report a problem I've been dealing with. I test my app on iPad and Google Nexus. Every time I take a snapshot through fusebox on the Nexus, I get a waiter that never disappears. I have to quit the app each time I take a snapshot and re-open it to then refresh the app after the snapshot is taken.