Your comments

We are planning on rolling out the update to our provisioner tonight, which will allow ios 7 builds and icons.
Oh well that is good news.
There may be something we can do. Can you tell me your username and/or user id?
Oh I see. In that case, I will have to test out a few more scenarios. Thanks!
Not sure I understand the question, but if I am, you will use hex code values.

Check out sites like this one:

The hex code is the six digits code preceeded by a hashtag. (ex: #ff0000 which would be red)
Ah so you have an onclickup associated to your panel? Then you would want to add a translate action to that.

You might also consider looking at the object properties for RWtouched. This way you can assign the translate to move exactly where you finger is.

<!--SAMPLE WIRE for using _RW-touchedx and _RW-touchedy-->
<panel name="1" width="100%" height="100%" background="ff0000" onclickup="show"></panel>
<action name="show">
<alert message="_RW-touchedx, _RW-touchedy"/>

Your example wasn't taking advantage of the new count object property. 
I added this action to your example:

<action name="iancheckLength">
<assign property="object:CHAR-TEXT.text" value="[eval: 140 - [object:TEXT-ENTER.count]]" />
Just from this snippet I can't tell exactly what is going on, but it seems as if you are attempting to create a keystore into a folder on your computer you do not have permission to write to.

Switch to the desktop and try to save there.
Try adding draggable="yes" to your panel. You can also add dragorientation="vertical" or horizontal to lock in to a position.

Or for a more defined movement, you can use the translate action when the onswipeleft is invoked and move the panel to a specific pixel value on the screen.

Update your app to engine 1.5 in the platform settings and try again. The encoding features will only work on 1.5.