Your comments

Ive figured out that I have to uninstall and re-install the app each time i try to make changes..... That is making this unbearable
I have completely deleted the wire and started over from scratch. Now the the previous code that was there before is STILL there but my action works in hiding the background. But yet there is no code that has anything of my previous wire and when the background is hidden, my previous wire code pops up on my screen. I think this is a serious bug!

Here is my wire. A blue background with the text defined above is popping up after the alpha kicks into effect???? This is very very odd. It still happens even after deleting the app and the portfolio and re-copying the code into a new app and portfolio...



<panel name="background" alias="BACKGROUND" width="100%" height="100%" background="#000000" />



<action name="oninit" oninit="yes">


<alpha value="0" delay="3" target="BACKGROUND" />




<datasource name="field" source="" query="//item" providertype="xml" parsenamespace="yes"></datasource>


<!-- styles go here -->



<class name="article-list-item">

<panel name="article-" alias="ARTICLE" width="95%" height="20%" lheight="25%" _datasourceindex="" align="center" background="#ff0000" bordercolor="00ee00" borderwidth="3">

<text name="headline" width="100%" height="50%" color="#eeeeee" font="Helvetica" size="20" align="center" valign="top" alignment="center" text=""></text>

<text name="clip" alias="CLIP" width="90%" height="50%" color="#eeeeee" font="helvetica" size="15" align="center" alignment="center" valign="bottom" text="" onclickup="web-link"></text>




<panel name="bg" width="100%" height="100%">

<panel name="list-container" alias="LIST-CONTAINER" width="100%" lwidth="95%" height="100%" align="center" clip="yes">

<list name="list" datasource="field" width="102%" lwidth="102%" height="100%" align="center" orientation="vertical" paginate="no">

<object datasourceindex="[ds:datasourceindex]" headline="[ds:title]" url="[ds:link]"></object>




<panel name="web" alias="WEBPANEL" width="100%" height="100%" ypos="0" hidden="yes">

<toolbar name="toolbar" width="100%" height="5%" align="left" valign="top">

<panel name="button" width="10%" height="80%" align="left" margin="10" valign="center" background="#888888" cornerradius="5" onclick="web-return"></panel>


<web name="web-link" alias="WEB" width="100%" height="95%" valign="bottom" url="about:blank"></web>



<action name="oninit" oninit="yes">

<assign property="datasource:field.source" value=""></assign>


<action name="web-link">

<replace type="flipright" target="LIST-CONTAINER" replacement="WEBPANEL" time="1"></replace>

<load url="[object:CLIP.text]" target="WEB"></load>


<action name="web-return">

<replace type="flipleft" target="WEBPANEL" replacement="LIST-CONTAINER" time="1"></replace>

<load url="about:blank" target="WEB"></load>
