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Can you use Settings-> App Settings --> Cache Duration ?

This applies globally to your app so it should be an easy fix if you don't have other parts of your app that need to be downloaded more often.

I added this function to functions.html. It works to escape the single quotes but I still have a problem if there are any double quotes in the string.

function dbText(str)
str = str.replaceAll("'", "&#39");
return str;
Will I be able to assign the "datasource:twiterservice.postContent" property on a twitter datasource?
2. statuses/user_timeline (screen_name=[object:FIELDUSER.encodedtext])
(note: this api call does work for getting the authenticated users timeline but not other users timelines)

Twitter Error: message: Could not authenticate you, code: 32

Twitter Error: message: Sorry, that page does not exist, code: 34


Limitations of workaround: protected users timeline will not be visible even if the authenticating user's follow request was accepted by the protected user. (no user authentication means only public feeds are available)
I am having this issue also. Makes it difficult to bring in tweets and format for readability.
I found out the problem was the datasource query
Changed from query="" to query="/" and it works.
I still can't get this to work. i don't know what I am doing wrong.
I'm trying to authenticate the login to twitter and display the screen_name of the user. My onquerycomplete alert is not fireing.


<!-- datasources go here -->
<datasource name="twitter-login" source="https://api.twitter.com/1.1/account/verify_credentials.json" query="" onquerycomplete="ActionLogin" providertype="twitter"/>



<panel name="panel2" width="100%" height="100%" background="ffffff" cornerradius="10" datasource="twitter-login">
<text name="label" width="95%" height="30" alignment="left" align="center" valign="center" font="helvetica" size="50" color="#000000" text="@[param:screen_name]"/>



<!-- actions go here -->
<action name="ActionLogin">
<alert message="tried login "/>
