Your comments

Jake, we do have an attribute on pager/list/tableview that allows you to simply disabled the rubberband/bounce effect. Nothing in the way of altering the severity of the bounce however.

The attribute is the same as the web object; bounces="yes/no"
I'm a month late...but we actually had an attribute at one point that would alter the rubberband effect. Let me check with dev if it's still around? It was created to help out a client and I'm not sure it was ever surfaced on the final product.
I have not seen/experienced this. What kind of .png is it? Could you provide a link so we could grab it or view it?
The new datasource is not stored longterm. So it's more of a [var:] than a [preferences:].

The other thing to remember, any time that the master feed is requeried and you have your action that is building your new custom datasource will trigger the action again.

To clear out your datasource, you can do a quick little trick of just reseting your query on the new, custom datasource and it will blank out any attached list/tableviews/objects.

<assign property="datasource:customJSON.query" value="//xxyyzz" />

Another note, you can actually assign cache durations per datasource. So in your wire you can have two (or more) datasources with different caching values.

<datasource name="origin" source="" query="//sweet" providertype="json" urlcacheduration="259200" />

<datasource name="custom" source="" query="/sweeter" providertype="json" urlcacheduration="86400" >
Tyler, took the liberty of taking a little more time and authoring a blog post on the topic. Key terms you'll want to be familiar with before taking this on:

[eval] statements

Enjoy and happy coding.
Absolutely. I'll get that example up by tomorrow morning. (Have to jump between doctor visits today)
yes, just use the HTML code for & within your url and you'll be in good shape.

So you'll have this now:[var:variable]&amp;param2=x
Sounds like you are making progress.

Couple tricks for text:

I rarely use padding on the text object, I will actually use a panel object with padding wrapping the text object.

To position consecutive blocks of text I will use a combination of bottom of and margin-top attributes.

<text name="headline" width="100%" height="fit" style="headline" text="Today's News" />
<text name="copy" style="headline" width="100%" height="fit" bottomof="headline" margin-top="10" text="Lots of copy here" />
In regards to the shadow, this is a request that has been placed in front of our development team. As a designer, we dread that shadow 80% of the time. We will keep you posted when that makes it into a build of the engine.

Could you post a little of the HTML that is causing you a headache? My first thought is that if it's a matter of forcing some line breaks, you could look at media queries to not only adjust your div dimensions, but to detect orientation for adjustments?

@media screen and (orientation:portrait) {
body {width:80%;}
@media screen and (orientation:landscape) {
body {width:85%;}
While image strip is a method provided within iOS to allow for burst of animated content, the conversion within iOS from image to sequenced video can be a little cumbersome and does not carry the best performance effort within iOS.

One trick I like to use within Wire when I need to animatie a sequence of images is a combination of load, conditional statements and an action that loops over itself to give me optimal control of my sequence.

First the finish action blocks of code we'll be using:

<image name="AnimatedSeq" alias="ANIMATED-SEQ" />

<action oninit="yes">
<assign property="var:frameCount" value="0" />

<action name="loop">
<if lhs="[var:frameCount]" operator="lte" rhs="26">
<sync delay="0">
<load source="graphics/mySeq[var:frameCount].jpg" target="ANIMATED-SEQ"/>
<assign property="var:frameCount" value="[eval: [var:frameCount] + 1]" />
<if lhs="[var:frameCount]" operator="lt" rhs="26">
<play action="loop"/>
<if lhs="[var:frameCount]" operator="=" rhs="26">
<alert message="I'm Done" />

First let's look at the image we will be replacing in the sequence.

<image name="AnimatedSeq" alias="ANIMATED-SEQ" />

Nothing fancy here, we simply just place the first image in the sequence that we want the user to see.

Next we want to create a var that we can use to track the sequence and to use in showing the appropriate image. So we have a simple oninit action that sets the var:frameCount to 0 upon loading the app.

<assign property="var:frameCount" value="0" />

This var shows that we want to make sure that our images are sequenced and named appropriately. So instead of the image strip requirement of a prefix and 4 digit number, we can simplify this. We CAN optionally add a prefix, but it's not required, here I used 'mySeq' then just start you numbering at 0.

mySeq0.jpg, mySeq1.jpg mySeq2.jpg, mySeq3.jpg, etc...

In my example above you will see the number '26' in a few places, this is the total images my sequence requires.

Let's take a look at the action 'loop'.

I have a conditional statement that leads off the action and checks the var:frameCount value.

<if lhs="[var:frameCount]" operator="lte" rhs="26">

This will make sure that once we kick off this action to animate our sequence that we are within the bounds of our sequence numbering and then using that var: perform a load action on the source of the image.

<load source="graphics/mySeq[var:frameCount].jpg" target="ANIMATED-SEQ"/>

Here, since we are starting the animation we will see mySeq0.jpg first be placed in the load. Then immediately following the load (remember we are in a sync) we increment the var:frameCount with an eval: statement:

<assign property="var:frameCount" value="[eval: [var:frameCount] + 1]" />

Now we will create two sibling conditional statement to fork the action and decide if we are done with the animation or need to loop the action over itself and continue incrementing the sequence until we hit 26.

<if lhs="[var:frameCount]" operator="lt" rhs="26">

The first conditional checks to see if our var:frameCount is less than our last slide, 26. If so, we ask the action to start again. And in doing so the action will now go and load slide mySeq1.jpg and increment the var:frameCount to 2 and continue this pattern until it hits our other conditional statement:

<if lhs="[var:frameCount]" operator="=" rhs="26">

Once the var:frameCount hits our ceiling in the sequence, I have placed an alert to just verify the sequence has completed.

While this may initial seem like a complex solution to a control iOS provides, the control and sequencing makes the implementation very repeatable and reliable without losing performance on the device. This also gives a very nice introduction into the power of looped actions and conditional statements.

Please let me know if you have any questions.