XML feed issues - image datasource
I have taken the RSS Reader Demo example from RareWire and want to get it working with a Google product feed. This feed has individual ITEM containers, but separate g:image_link containers within each ITEM for the image URLs.
I cannot get the image to work for some reason.
I am defining one datasource:
datasource name="rsstest" source="http://www.mydomain.com/myfeed.xml" providertype="xml" parsenamespaces="yes" query="//item"
Then in the panel body I have:
image name="background" alias="BACKGROUND" width="100%" height="100%" background="#000000" datasource="rsstest" datasourcemapping="//*[name()='g:image_link']"
Is this not correct?
I just want the image to change as the user moves left and right.
Any help appreciated, thanks. Good product btw.
I have taken the RSS Reader Demo example from RareWire and want to get it working with a Google product feed. This feed has individual ITEM containers, but separate g:image_link containers within each ITEM for the image URLs.
I cannot get the image to work for some reason.
I am defining one datasource:
datasource name="rsstest" source="http://www.mydomain.com/myfeed.xml" providertype="xml" parsenamespaces="yes" query="//item"
Then in the panel body I have:
image name="background" alias="BACKGROUND" width="100%" height="100%" background="#000000" datasource="rsstest" datasourcemapping="//*[name()='g:image_link']"
Is this not correct?
I just want the image to change as the user moves left and right.
Any help appreciated, thanks. Good product btw.
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I tried the xpath you provided, and no joy.
The issue seems to be that I need the image shown separately. The example code you provide has the image within the description, but Google product feeds have a dedicated container called g:image_link. How can I get the description and image shown?
The first is our current implementation that breaks down the values to make it easy to identify:
You see here that we are calling out:
a datasource tag (datasource="rsstest")
an index # (datasourceindex="1" )
a property (datasourcemappingproperty="text" ) which represents the attribute you are trying to populate within the object. In this example we want to populate the text value for a text tag.
a value (datasourcemappingvalue="dc:creator" ). This is the node in the datasource feed that is contained in the query you have in your datasource. Since we have parsenamespaces set to yes, we don't need the namespace.
Alternatively, you can use the older method, which is in the tutorial you are looking at:
Here we aren't splitting up the property and value, but rather are merging them into the value for datasourcemapping. 'text' represents the attribute we want to populate and dc:creator represents the node from the datasource.
In short (ha) you should be able to use:
In your example the URL is taking the place of 'source' for the image.
How can I get the image inside the panel too?
As i move left/right I see the description changing. I cannot understand where I place my content. Where do I place an image to get the content of the g:image_link value? I just want to display an image for each item as well as the description. Phew...
go into the WIRE editor for your App and select 'Resources > Invite Collaborators'. Then invite me by my email address icahill@rarewire.com.