
Application Loader - Icon-Small-50.png doesnt meet the size requirements 72x72

mgruberdesign 13 years ago updated by icahill (Administrator) 13 years ago 4
I have published the app and downloaded the .ipa file. When I go to send it to apple via the Application Loader, I get an error message:

"iPad: Icon-Small-50.png: icon dimensions (50x50) don't meet the size requirements. The icon file must be 72x72 pixels, in .png format"

The issue I am having is that not all of the icon previews are showing up under the settings screen before I publish. I checked, and my files are all set to the proper dimensions.

Sorry you are having trouble. Are you running a mac or pc? Which browser are you running the App Creation Studio in?
I am using a Mac, running OS 10.7.4 and using Firefox as my browser.
I am also using Application Loader version 2.5.1
Based on conversations via email I have logged a bug on uploading icons and splash screens in FireFox on a Mac. I will let you know what I find out. Thanks.