
How do I make a youtube feed?

JohnWeez vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von icahill (Administrator) vor 12 Jahren 6
Trying to implement videos in my picture/music gallery
Depending on your specific needs, there are several different solutions to try.

What are you specific requirements? Do you already have a set list of videos that you want the user to tap and open in a web view?
just kind of playing around. for the sake of this question lets say Ill just be using a set list of videos I picked. the ideal is to play them right through the app and not having to move to a web view
Check out this WIRE sample. You could replace the buttons at the bottom with thumbnails, or you could load the action on scroll, etc. Lots of possibilities.

<platform device="ipad">
<style name="load" width="85" height="60" valign="bottom"/>
<platform device="iphone">
<style name="load" width="85" height="30" valign="bottom"/>
<panel name="12" height="100%" width="100%" background="#222222">
<text name="label" text="load video url" width="95%" height="30" alignment="left" align="center" valign="top" font="helvetica" size="20" color="#ffffff" ></text>
<text name="description" text="Loads a video url into a web panel - touch squares to start and stop video. Use target to determine into which panel url will be loaded. This method uses a web panel and an video embed url from a service such as youtube or vimeo." width="95%" height="fit" alignment="left" align="center" valign="top" font="helvetica" size="16" color="#ffffff" bottomof="label" ></text>
<panel name="wrapper" align="center" ypos="155" height="50%" width="80%" background="#ffffff" toppad="10" rightpad="10" bottompad="10" leftpad="10">
<web name="browser" alias="WEB-VIDEO" width="100%" height="100%" url="about:blank" pagetofit="yes"></web>
<panel name="onpage1" style="load" background="#E01B9B" xpos="35" onclick="loadVidEmbed" _url="http://www.youtube.com/embed/sP4NMoJcFd4">
<text name="cover" width="100%" height="100%" color="#000000" font="helvetica" size="14" alignment="center" text="Cats"></text>
<panel name="onpage2" style="load" background="#1BB2E0" align="center" onclick="loadVidEmbed" _url="http://www.youtube.com/embed/nGeKSiCQkPw">
<text name="cover" width="100%" height="100%" color="#000000" font="helvetica" size="14" alignment="center" text="Dogs"></text>
<panel name="onpage3" style="load" background="#9EE01B" rightmargin="35" align="right" onclick="loadVidEmbed" _url="http://player.vimeo.com/video/22894261">
<text name="cover" width="100%" height="100%" color="#000000" font="helvetica" size="14" alignment="center" text="Art"></text>
<action name="loadVidEmbed">
<load url="_url" target="WEB-VIDEO"/>
wow. this is pretty dope thanks
is the wire different for RSS feeds or could I just plug in a link?
RSS feeds are handled differently. I would check out our Tutorials page for more information. http://content.rarewire.com/wordpress...