
Are there more invitation codes that I can share?

aaron 13 years ago updated by icahill (Administrator) 13 years ago 4
I've got friends who weren't on the email list that would like invitations. Can I get more invite codes?
All you need to do it navigate to a portfolio and add your friends as collaborators by their email address. If they don't currently have a RareWire account, they will be prompted to create one through a link in the invite email.
I set up a new portfolio and invited my contributor. It said the invitation was sent, but he's not getting the email. Any ideas?
Has he checked his spam folder by chance? Let me know, I have found a bug ticket logged for this, I am following up to see if it has been pushed to release.
If not, email me at community@rarewire.com and I will get some invites sent to the email addresses you need.

Sorry for the issues.