Your comments

Thanks Ian, works awesome... looking fwd to seeing you guys on Tuesday.
Thanks Ian, works great... little tricky getting the lines located right, but fun.

We are working on a few rarewire apps here at CAPS and could really use some help to get the students started. Is there a way for a wire expert to come to CAPS morning afternoon or both to help the students plan and get started on their project?

kind of figured that, how can I adjust start and end points, seems that would only make vertical or horizontal lines.

Got sound to play, at the same time it brings up an image. I have added an action to make image go away and audio to stop on click, image goes away but audio does not stop...
Ian, I was able to figure out the audio, very easy, making it too hard. The part I really want to be able to do is to expand the annotations in case the tour people need them larger to read them, without hiding the pins and making them unclickable... any ideas?
the alias for the miller panel is "MILLER" (ln 34), the action to reveal is "miller" ln(67) and the onselect is on line 5. Very sorry, I know its not easy to read other peoples code and I am new to this, so I am probably not writing it in any kind of standard way.
I have done that, the audio clip is called milleraudio...

Another question: I have the annotations when clicked pop up a little paragraph that tells that locations story. I have made them zoomable but if I make the panel to large, even though hidden it covers the other pins and makes them unclickable. Is there a way around that? maybe a scale feature?

Thanks Ian, you are a world of help...
Here it is... thanks again

<class name="annotations">
<annotation name="office" location="[param:location]" title="[param:title]" subtitle="[param:sub]" animatedrop="yes"
accessoryview="left" accessoryviewwidth="100" accessoryviewheight="100" onselect="miller">
<panel name="accessory" width="25" height="25" background="ff0000">
<image name="quantrill" source="quantrill.png" alignment="center" valign="center" contain="yes" ></image>

<action name="miller">
<alpha value="0" time="0" target="UP"/>
<load panel="MILLER" /></action>
I had copied the wire in here, but its not showing, it is in my "android" app.
Tried this 20 different ways, is this what the wire should look like?

The picture shows up on the tag once I select the pin, but I cant get the panel to load on click...