
How do live updates handle updates to a SQLite res file

jenifercmartin 11 years ago updated by icahill (Administrator) 10 years ago 5
In working with an adhoc build, I have had to make many adjustments to the SQLite database I am using. When I update the database on my computer, I then go into the studio and delete database from my app's file manager. I save and snapshot. Then I upload the database again. I save and snapshot. But the changes do not reflect in either my adhoc or in fusebox. In order to see the changes in my adhoc, i have to do another adhoc build, uninstall my old one and reinstall the new one. In order to see them in fusebox, I have to uninstall/reinstall fusebox. This process is the same for both platforms.

Question #1. Is there an easier way to see that asset update? Because when I change out different types of assets, I do not have to do a new adhoc in order to see the new asset. Let's say I have a picture named tree.png and I want to replace it. If I add a new picture and rename it to tree.png, i see the new tree. But if I replace my database with a new database with the same name, i get the old database back. the new one only shows up if i go through process above.

Question #2. What does this mean in terms of live updates to an app that is currently available in the app store? If I want to add some info to the database in an app that is already in the app store, will the changes to the data reflect with just a live update or will I have submit a new ipa to apple? And even if I do submit the new ipa to apple, will the user have to uninstall the app before installing the update rather than just updating?

That's a wordy question. I hope it makes sense.

What platform are you seeing this issue in? iOS? Android? 
Consistently android, and at first I thought it was only android. But I have had to do it for iOS as well... not all the times, but sometimes. (For the record, I have been tweaking my database A LOT.) But I just tested it again before I responded. I replicated the issue on android, both fusebox and adhoc. However, in iOS, both fusebox and adhoc, the database updated just fine... without needing any additional builds.

I experienced it in iOS when I added a lot of records to a couple of tables in the database... because the new data was not pulling up. the app was only showing the original few records I had for testing purposes.

Hope that helps.

I can confirm this is an issue on Android. I have logged a big report for this.

I have not been able to replicate this on my ios device. I will continue to try on other devices.
Thanks, Ian. In the meantime, I need to make a timing decision about submitting an iOS app to Apple.

Currently, the SQLite database in my app only has about 75% of the information it is eventually going to have. The rest of the information probably will not be available until a couple days before I would like the app to be in the app store. My plan was to go ahead and get the app approved now with the incomplete data, hold it for release until I got all the data, release a live update, then release the app for purchase in the app store.

I just want to confirm that if I do that, the users will get the new data that I add with the live update.

(I can wait to publish the android version until I have all the data since that can be in google play a few hours after I upload it.)
A live update should work just like a content update for an ad-hoc. I have seen nothing to indicate that this will be a problem on iOS.

I took an app with an existing res://SQL db and proceeded to delete the db and replace it. Then I was able to save and snap and install a live update without issue.

The app we did for Boulevard uses this same scenario when they update their SQL databases in the App Store.