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Facebook Tutorial Error

benjaminbachman vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert vor 10 Jahren 5

So I worked my way through the Facebook Tutorial that you have provided in your developer Resources.


It is my understanding that this tutorial is out of date as Facebook has updated their developer interface. I think that I have done something wrong on setting up the App ID in Facebook and that is why I am experiencing an error that reads "FacebookAppID missing in plist" after working through your tutorial.

Can you shed any light as to why I might be seeing this error when I try to run the app in Fusebox?

Caching of files from download tag

cahoots vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von icahill (Administrator) vor 10 Jahren 1
Does the download tag respect the cache duration setting? I am after a simple way to prevent re-download of an already downloaded file. As the file to be downloaded will come from QR codes, the name of the file will not be known in advance.

How to start/stop barcode scanning

cahoots vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von icahill (Administrator) vor 10 Jahren 3
I have added barcode reading functionality to my app, but the camera seems to be continuously scanning, even when the camera panel is hidden. In order to prevent multiple scans, I was trying to implement a button to show the camera panel and start scanning, and upon a successful scan, show another panel (which I thought would stop the scanning, but apparently not).

Edited code:
<panel name="background" alias="BACK" height="100%" width="100%" background="#0000ee">
<toolbar name="toolbar" height="10%" width="100%" align="left" valign="top">
<panel name="button" width="30%" height="80%" align="left" margin="10" valign="center" background="#888888" cornerradius="5" onclickup="camera-return">
<text name="back" width="90%" height="90%" color="#000000" font="" size="9" align="center" valign="center" text="Scan"></text>
<panel name="camerapanel" alias="CAMERA-PANEL" height="90%" width="100%" valign="bottom" hidden="yes">
<camera alias="CAMERA" name="panel" type="barcodescan" onscan="qrcode_action"
background="#FFFFFF" height="100%" width="100%" align="center" valign="bottom">
<panel name="box" height="150" width="50%" align="center" ypos="30%" borderwidth="2" bordercolor="ff0000" />
<text name="title1" text="Scanning..." font="helvetica" size="24" width="100%" height="10%" alignment="center" valign="bottom" align="left" color="#FFFFFF" background="#000000" alpha="0.5"/>

<panel name="splash" alias="SPLASH" height="90%" width="100%" valign="bottom" hidden="no" background="#ffffff">
<text name="back" width="90%" height="90%" color="#000000" font="" size="9" align="center" valign="center" text="This is a splash panel"></text>
<action name="qrcode_action">
<!-- set some values -->
<play action="splash-return"/>
<!-- prevent another scan while dealing with the qr code info -->

<action name="camera-return">
<replace type="flipleft" target="CAMERA-PANEL" replacement="SPLASH" time="1"/>
<action name="splash-return">
<replace type="flipleft" target="SPLASH" replacement="CAMERA-PANEL" time="1"/>



benjaminbachman vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert vor 10 Jahren 2
How do I install the TextExpander... I downloaded it...

Currently my app has the RareWire symbol for it. I was wondering how i could change that?

jpgianni vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von icahill (Administrator) vor 10 Jahren 1

How to extract a filename from a URL to save locally

cahoots vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von icahill (Administrator) vor 10 Jahren 1
I'm using the download tag to save an arbitrary selection of sound files locally so that they can be played while offline.Can anyone suggest how I can extract just the filename from the URL in order to use that as a variable for the filename?

Opening other applications

Tar1890 vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von icahill (Administrator) vor 10 Jahren 1
Is it possible to open other applications on a device while inside a rarewire app using an "onclickup"? The intent is to work around the Canvas issue for android. It would also help for future apps as well. 

Launch Video

benjaminbachman vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von icahill (Administrator) vor 10 Jahren 7
Am I able to have a launch video instead of a launch image when the app starts up? Maybe 6 seconds long? How would I go about doing this?

How do I enable capture of voice recording in WIRE?

cahoots vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von icahill (Administrator) vor 10 Jahren 1

Issue with connecting to FTP in Dreamweaver

benjaminbachman vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert vor 10 Jahren 9
If anyone could help me I am experiencing troubles with connecting to RareWire via FTP. I am using Dreamweaver to accomplish this. Here are my settings.
Image 4

When I test the connection it gives me the following error...

Image 5

Any help would be appreciated.

Can't get to "invite collaborators" form Portfolio --> settings or Resources --> invite collaborators

sstava vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert vor 10 Jahren 5
I am not able to get into the "settings" menu from my "Entrepreneur" portfolio. It gives me this message when I click on "settings":
"user credentials not present or invalid"

I have tried logging off and back in. I have tried clearing browser cache/cookies/history.

I have also tried to get to the "invite collaborator" screen from resources-->invite collaborator. Instead of brining up the collaborator screen, it brings up the frame of the collaborator screen with the rarewire library screen as its content.

I was able to get to my "invite collaborator" screen from a different portfolio in my library; but that isn't the portfolio I need to have the developers access :(

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Guide to server backend

Franch vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von icahill (Administrator) vor 10 Jahren 1
I am making my first app and I need it to be able to communicate with specific other devices running the same app. Specifically, one device will enter and process some data before sending pieces of that data to other devices, which will then add to that data and send this new data back to the original device (if that makes sense).

I am looking at something like amazon hosting to be an intermediary such that the devices will upload their changes to the server and devices can query the server for updates.

Is there any short guide or example for doing this with wire? If I did not provide enough information please let me know, thanks!

I have no settings button

IslandG vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von icahill (Administrator) vor 10 Jahren 1
Where is my settings button?

How do I make a timer?

Franch vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von icahill (Administrator) vor 10 Jahren 2
Any suggestions on the best way to create a timer? I need to be able to start/stop it and also to add or subtract time from it. Right now I am trying to use a delayed loop but that doesn't seem to be getting very far.


How to zoom map to current location

Luska72 vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von icahill (Administrator) vor 10 Jahren 2
Hello, I was wondering if it is possible to create a map, and have it zoom into the user's current location. I have tried the <assign property> for the region of the map, but I have had no successes.
Thank you for your time,