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How can I test my App in Android device?

Emfluence_India 10 år siden opdateret 10 år siden 2
I am absolutely newbie in this part of the world and want to start by saying sorry for my silliest of questions!

I have created an App in RareWire ("Hello World") and now want it to see on my Android device. Installed Fusebox already.

I went on to "Publish" page and selected "Build Your App for Android" option which is showing "Free during beta". But it is not letting me go pass this page and saying "Invalid credit card information". If it is free why I am asked for this?

How can I test my App on the device? Do I have to pay even for testing ?

Subrata Sarkar

Text formatting question (strikethrough)

Franch 10 år siden 0
How can I format text so that it is struckthrough (strike) and can easily have the formatting removed (as in, the ability to easily toggle the strikethrough on the text)?

As in I have a text displaying a task and I have finished the task, so I click a button and the text has a strikethrough. But I would also like the ability to hit a button and remove the strikethrough formatting. What would be the best way to implement this?

Manipulating data from a sqlite database without using an onclick action

Franch 11 år siden opdateret af icahill (Administrator) 11 år siden 7
I have a pager/list that appears to function correctly and each class in that list has an action it calls on click that visualizes the data on a different panel.

So the app displays a pager with names on it, and if you click one of the names, another panel takes over the screen displaying all the other details associated with that name in my sqlite database.

My problem is that I need a way to move from that secondary detail panel directly to the secondary detail panel for the next name on the list. I am not really sure how to go about doing this.

I have been trying to give each class in the list an alias but when I try to access its data all of the values that I hoped would be populated by the list from the sql database are nil. I have also tried using that alias with a play function to call the action associated with the onclick value but that is also not working for me.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks for your time!

how to stop images from stretching in android?

Lcdrgreg 11 år siden opdateret af icahill (Administrator) 11 år siden 1
We are creating a database of tasks which have an icon associated with them. And using the icons image to select and put the correct file source name in the DB.  Here is the class and the problem is that it looks great in IOS but on Android the images stretch horizontally.  I know we could create separate panels to contain but is there another way?


<class name="addtolist">
<panel name="addcontainer" alias="ADDCONTAINER" height="100%" width="100%">
<panel name="cklistbg" alias="CKLISTBG" xpos="5%" ypos="7%" height="60%" width="90%" background="#dddddd" cornerradius="5" alpha="1">
<text name="addtolisttitle" size="24" height="10%" width="90%" text="Add To Checklist" xpos="5%" ypos="3%" alignment="center"/>
<textfield name="chore" alias="CHORE" text="" xpos="5%" ypos="15%" placeholder="Enter Chore" height="10%" width="90%" border="line" onreturnkeypressed="iconreturn"/>
<panel name="typeselect" alias="TYPESELECT" height="10%" width="90%" xpos="5%" ypos="28%" border="line" borderwidth="1" bordercolor="#000000">
<text name="type" size="18" height="100%" width="100%" text=" List:" xpos="0%" ypos="0%" align="left" />
<panel name="mornselect" alias="MORNSELECT" height="90%" width="20%" xpos="34%" ypos="5%" cornerradius="5" background="#ff0000" onclickup="mornselect">
<text name="mornselect" height="100%" width="100%" size="16" text="MORN" alignment="center"/></panel>
<panel name="afternoonselect" alias="AFTSELECT" height="90%" width="20%" xpos="56%" ypos="5%" cornerradius="5" background="#00ff00" onclickup="aftselect">
<text name="afternoonselect" height="100%" width="100%" size="16" text="AFT" alignment="center"/></panel>
<panel name="eveselect" alias="EVESELECT" height="90%" width="20%" xpos="78%" ypos="5%" cornerradius="5" background="#0000ff" onclickup="eveselect">
<text name="eveselect" height="100%" width="100%" size="16" text="EVE" alignment="center"/>
<panel name="icon" alias="ICONSELECT" xpos="2%" ypos="40%" height="12%" width="96%" >
<image name="sun" alias="SUN" source="sun.png" _source="" align="left" contain="yes" onclickup="addsun" />
<image name="tooth" alias="TOOTH" source="tooth.png" _source="" rightof="SUN" contain="yes" onclickup="addtooth"/>
<image name="dishes" alias="DISHES" source="dishes.png" _source="" rightof="TOOTH" contain="yes" onclickup="adddishes"/>
<image name="bed" alias="BED" source="bedroom.png" _source="" rightof="DISHES" contain="yes" onclickup="addbed" />
<textfield name="icon" alias="ICON" text="" xpos="5%" ypos="75%" placeholder="Selected Image File Name" height="10%" width="90%" border="line"/>
<panel name="cancel" alias="CANCEL" xpos="10%" ypos="88%" height="10%" width="30%" background="#00ff3a" cornerradius="5">
<text name="canceltext" alias="CANCELTEXT" xpos="0%" ypos="0%" height="100%" width="100%" text="Cancel" size="14" alignment="center" font="Helvetica-Bold" onclick="deletecheck"/>
<panel name="accept" alias="ACCEPT" xpos="60%" ypos="88%" height="10%" width="30%" background="#00ff3a" cornerradius="5">
<text name="accepttext" alias="ACCEPTTEXT" xpos="0%" ypos="0%" height="100%" width="100%" text="Accept" size="14" alignment="center" font="Helvetica-Bold" onclick="addtochecklist"/>

Under vurdering

Rarewire bluetooth and NFC support

Lcdrgreg 11 år siden opdateret af icahill (Administrator) 10 år siden 3
Is there plans in the engine to add bluetooth and / or NFC support since it looks like that will be added in the Iphone 6 and is already on the android?

Is there a way to force the orientation as landscape/portrait

Franch 11 år siden opdateret af icahill (Administrator) 11 år siden 1
For most of the app I would like to force it to be portrait only but a couple of times I would like to force landscape only. Is this possible?


How to turn keyboard off for a web tag?

sstava 11 år siden opdateret 11 år siden 4
I have a full-screen panel that contains a web tag and a panel that has a button that allows me to translate the screen away (close the screen). 

To start, I have google.com displayed in the web tag. If you tap in the google search textfield you get the keyboard, as you would expect.

If you use the screens close button to translate the screen away the keyboard stays up. 

I can't figure out what the target should be for closing the keyboard that was opened based on a textfield in the web page (google.com)


Balsamiq as a UI design tool? --> generate WIRE from bmml file

sstava 11 år siden 0
Instead of building your own UI design tool (Frame), have you considered using an existing tool such as Balsamiq and rendering WIRE from the bmml file that it creates?

There are a number of tools that use Balsamiq bmml files for that very purpose.
[search for "Exporting Your Mockups To Code" in the web page below]

It seems like it would be a much quicker way to get this type of functionality to your community!

Android adhoc build is "queued" for a long time

sstava 11 år siden opdateret 11 år siden 3
This is my first shot at doing an Android adhoc build. I probably have a setup issue for the build, but am not sure where to look next.

I have added the keystore, etc to the settings and have queued up an adhoc build. It has been "queued" for about an hour. I also have one from yesterday that is still "queued".

Are there any logs I can look at to see what is up with my adhoc build? (project: 6007)



sqlite question

Franch 11 år siden opdateret af icahill (Administrator) 11 år siden 7
I'm having an issue using aliases.

This code:

results in "Warning Database Error: no such column: B.NAME"

Any idea why this is happening? And also how I can display the those values in a feed/list?


Platform tag not working?

cahoots 11 år siden opdateret af icahill (Administrator) 11 år siden 2
My iPad Mini Retina returns "iPad4,4" as the device. But when I use this in a platform tag, the code doesn't get executed. I have the same code in a sibling platform tag for the iPhone, and everything works fine for that device. I tried the more generic iPad device name, but still no luck. I just want a way to distinguish between phones and tablets. Is there an easy way to do that?

Supported audio formats?

cahoots 11 år siden opdateret af icahill (Administrator) 11 år siden 1
What are the supported audio formats? ( I did see a list somewhere, but can't find it in the docs.) I don't think m4a was on that list, but it works on my iPhone and iPad. Is that format platform specific? What formats will work both on iOS and Android?

Download of non-existent URL?

cahoots 11 år siden opdateret af icahill (Administrator) 11 år siden 2
What happens if the download tag references a user supplied URL that is non-existent? Is there a way to catch this scenario and display an alert?

Re-order panels in a pager with drag & drop?

sstava 11 år siden opdateret af icahill (Administrator) 11 år siden 1
What are my options if I want to be able to re-order panels in a pager by clicking on a panel and dragging and dropping the selected panel between other panels within the pager?

If not with a pager, does one of the other list-type controls allow this?

Kundesupport af UserEcho