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I'm a little confused on how to include retina images with the @2x amendment. If i have both a iPhone and iPhone-Retina image (2 separate images) and want the code to display (and load) only what is needed for the device, should my code look like this? (or does it just scale the image up and down as needed?)

<platform device="iPhone">
<image name="myButton" source="myiPhoneImage@2x.png" xpos="5%" valign="center"></image>
Well, it looks like the missing height and width attributes was what was causing the issue. I assumed that those would be automatically filled, but since I used absolute positioning with the images I basically floated my images outside of a zero pixel panel. I'll be sure to include those from now on.

Also, thanks for the tip on the "code" tag for posting in this forum. That will come in handy.
No luck as of yet with this.

This is what I have tried:
I gave my footer a white background and gave it a fade action 'onclick' just to be sure the app was accepting commands. This worked, but the footer does not have images in it and is just a panel. So, I then tried the fade action on my header img and it worked fine as well. Next i tried it on my MENU panel and icon1 but received no results from either.

From here i tried the onswipe actions on my header img and voila! It gave me a result, but not quite as expected. Instead of just moving the MENU and MENU2 panels that were targeted, it moved everything.

So, could the problem be in how the images are nested in the panel that it is causing it not to be able to accept actions?

[panel name="mainarea" width="100%" height="100%" onswipeleft="menumoveleft" onswipelefttarget="MENU2"]

[image name="myBackground" style="myBackground-Image" align="center" valign="center"][/image]
[image name="header" source="images/Header.png" style="header" align="left" onclick="fade" onclickup="fill" onswipeleft="menumoveleft" onswipelefttarget="MENU2"][/image]

[panel name="iconsA" alias="MENU" xpos="0" ypos="0" leftmargin="10" rightmargin="10" onswipeleft="menumoveleft" onswipelefttarget="MENU2" onclick="fade" onclickup="fill"]
[image name="icon1" source="images/AnnouncementsIcon.png" style="icon" xpos="0" ypos="110" alpha="1" onswipeleft="menumoveleft" onswipelefttarget="MENU2" onclick="fade" onclickup="fill"][/image]
[panel name="iconsB" alias="MENU2" xpos="320" ypos="0" leftmargin="10" rightmargin="10" onswiperight="menumoveright" onswiperighttarget="MENU"]
[image name="icon10" source="images/ScheduleIcon.png" style="icon" xpos="0" ypos="90" alpha="1" ][/image]

[panel name="footer" alias="FOOTER" style="footer" xpos="0" ypos="450" background="#ffffff" alpha="0.8" onclick="fade" onclickup="fill"][/panel]


[action name="menumoveleft"]
[translate time="0.5" curve="easeout" xpos="320" target="MENU" /]
[translate time="0.5" curve="easeout" xpos="0" target="MENU2" /]
[action name="menumoveright"]
[translate time="0.5" curve="easeout" xpos="320" /]
[translate time="0.5" curve="easeout" xpos="0" target="MENU" /]

[action name="fade"]
[alpha time="0.5" value="0.2" /]
[action name="fill"]
[alpha time="0.5" value="0.8" /]
I'm not 100% sure, because it just kinda appeared. I'm guessing it was either some sort of cache issue on my phone that I was testing it on or the image had not uploaded completely.
This issue has been resolved. Thanks!
Sorry, it took all my tags and anything wrapped in them. I have taken out all the front brackets of my code in hope that it will not reject it but they are in my actual code.



platform device="iPhone">
style name="myBackground-Image" source="images/iPhone_BG.png" />

panel name="mainarea" width="100%" height="100%">
image name="myBackground" style="myBackground-Image" align="center" valign="center">/image>
