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contents.txt - Format?

Keith Hanson 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 1
Hm. Could someone point me in the right direction for loading my own RareWire? I've created Test.xml (in the same directory as the other wires), changed Introduction.xml to Test.xml in contents.txt, and it seems to be loading some intermediary screen instead of my own Wire.

Any advice? Do I need to set another setting elsewhere?


Linker error - library not found for -lz1.2.3

Keith Hanson 12 years ago updated by icahill (Administrator) 12 years ago 2
I'm getting an error when compiling RareWire samples. Screenshot of the issue here: http://d.pr/Tp5V

Any advice?


Eyy! Congrats!! I'm waiting for the launching day!!Thnks!

dlabrethinking 12 years ago 0

Welcome to the community!

icahill (Administrator) 13 years ago 0
Thanks for signing up! We monitor this site every day, so we will get back to you with any questions or comments as soon as we can!